Find below a searchable list of all 56 L4D2 maps, along with their map codes for use in console commands. 27.2%. It pains me that it didn't happen." **The BBFC still exists as a motion picture rating system. [108], A proposed content package and tie-in for the 2012 horror film The Cabin in the Woods was in the works, but the project dissolved after the film's original production company, MGM, filed for bankruptcy. [52], Left 4 Dead 2 opens in Dead Center (set in Savannah, Georgia), where the four survivors find themselves abandoned on a hotel roof by rescue helicopters. [10] Tier one weapons (such as the SMG and Chrome Shotgun) deal damage relatively slowly and serve as basic offensive weapons. [121], On the PC, the original competitive modification named "Confogl", was created by community member ProdigySim. Added from the EMS update. [106][107] The update includes over twenty new maps and additional updates to the game. [116] In August 2010, Valve announced that it will promote selected community generated maps, one every two weeks, both by blog posts on their official site, and by offering the map on a number of their dedicated servers. Rating ★ Watchlist-Download. The Survivors are also susceptible to friendly fire, forcing players to exercise caution when shooting or swinging their weapons. Esta semana toca la mutación de: “Last Man On Earth” (Ultimo hombre en la tierra) [188], In order to achieve the highest possible rating given by Germany's Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (Freigegeben ab 18 Jahren gemäß § 14 JuSchG, meaning "Restricted for those below the age of 18"), Valve had to heavily censor the game's violent content similar to the Australian version. If a Survivor dies, they remain dead until the next level, unless revived by a defibrillator, or, in Campaign or Singleplayer mode, reappear in a "Rescue Closet" to be freed by other Survivors. The Passing is the first DLC campaign in Left 4 Dead 2, which includes a new campaign and "new co-operative challenge modes of play" and introduces a new firearm, the M60; the Golf Club, and a new Uncommon Infected called the Fallen Survivor. As a result, a single infected model could have up to 24,000 variations within the game. Steam Workshop: Garry's Mod. [3][72] The game was given the code name "Carnation" to prevent revealing its details before its official announcement;[73] Valve also considered a new title for the game, Back 4 More, though they eventually dropped it for Left 4 Dead 2. Author … 初めての方へ * (準備中) Left 4 Dead 2 とは - 「Left 4 Dead 2 って何?」という方のために; Left 4 Dead 2 の動作環境 - Left 4 Dead 2 の動作環境; 前作との相違点 - 前作 Left 4 Dead との相違点; Left 4 Dead 2 の購入方法 - 購入からゲームの起動; 初起動から基本操作を覚えるまで? By virtue of location and equipment worn pre-infection, they possess abilities that separate them from the Common Infected. Awards) from the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. Thanks to "fbef0102" for fixing. [167] In a video interview posted on October 29, 2009, Gabe Newell said, "for people who joined the Boycott Group on Steam ... they're actually pre-ordering the product at a higher rate than Left 4 Dead 1 owners who weren't in the boycott". The games will support cross-platform play, allowing Mac players to play alongside PC players on the same servers, and will also be part of its Steam Play cross-compatible and Steam Cloud titles, allowing a player who has purchased the game on one platform to download and play it on the other platform for free. This allowed the team to simulate up to two such wounds on each infected using only 13% of the memory resources of the based system in Left 4 Dead. For example, the Dead Center campaign introduces infected CEDA agents in hazmat suits, making them fireproof;[18] Dark Carnival includes clowns, whose squeaking shoes attract small hordes of Common Infected;[19] and The Parish includes infected private security contractors in riot gear, making them bulletproof from the front.[20][21]. 4.5 out of 5 stars from 1368 reviews 1,368. left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc2\pak01_dir.vpk; October 5, 2010 The Sacrifice update. [4] Prior to release, it received a combination of positive and negative critical and community reactions. When the pilot starts attacking them, Nick is forced to kill him (echoing a similar situation in Left 4 Dead),[59] causing the chopper to crash into a bayou, which acts as the setting for Swamp Fever. Left 4 Dead 2 received "generally favorable reviews" across both platforms according to review aggregator website Metacritic. [91], On December 25, 2013, Valve released the game for free for new players. 25.6%. left 4 dead 2\left4dead2_dlc2\pak01_dir.vpk; October 5, 2010 The Sacrifice update. It was released April 22, 2010. It tips the scales toward the infected. The Passing takes place between Dead Center and Dark Carnival and is set in the suburban town of Rayford, Georgia. [16] Weapons and other items will only glow when the player is within a few feet, forcing the players to search the levels more thoroughly. [159][160] In addition to a lack of further Left 4 Dead content, they were concerned with the characters, visuals, and music shown in the E3 demonstration video, feeling these were inappropriate to the first game's aesthetics, and that the release of the sequel so soon after the first game would fracture the community. 4.5 out of 5 stars from 1368 reviews 1,368. [51] One survivor (canonically Bill) sacrifices himself in order to kick-start a generator once it gives out, so that the others may reach safety. [122] It is now a playable mutation included in the game. [92], On December 14, 2009, Valve announced the first DLC installment for Left 4 Dead 2, "The Passing". [9], At the start of the Dark Carnival campaign, the four survivors find the highway ahead completely blocked by ditched vehicles, and are forced to travel on foot through an abandoned (but still-operating) amusement park. The mounted weapons are in set positions in maps and have a fixed arc of fire. Jump to Code List. [141] IGN considered that the game improved on the first in every way, and that anyone who liked the concepts introduced by the first game should buy the second. Another means was created by using different head textures along with various blood and dirt maps, and similarly different wounds applied to the body texture. This mode removes some of the video-game aspects from the gameplay: Survivors cannot see each other's silhouettes, and dead teammates can only be revived with defibrillators and will not respawn later in the level. [148], In February 2010, Electronic Arts, Left 4 Dead 2 retail distributor, revealed that the game had sold 2.9 million on retail so far[149] while Forbes wrote that more than 4 million copies were sold at stores in 2009. Mutations are modifications on Left 4 Dead 2's game modes, which have been offered every week after "The Passing"'s release; these game modes alter the conditions of play. Cada semana aparece una mutación nueva y la anterior es retirada. After fighting their way through a wedding reception (complete with a Witch bride),[56] the streets, and a historic under-the-river tour,[57] they meet up again with the original survivors, who help by covering for the group while they fill the generator and lowering the bridge once it's full. [115] Players have also found ways to increase the number of survivors up to 16, duplicating the graphics for the existing survivor characters as needed. This prevented the sale of the original game within the country. 求生之路2游戏专题;提供求生之路2中文版游戏下载,求生之路2地图下载,求生之路2修改器,求生之路2汉化补丁,求生之路2攻略秘籍,求生之路2游戏截图、壁纸等资料。在续作《求生之路2》里,玩家熟悉的游戏核心元素并不会发生太大的改变,但细节要素上会得到大量的扩充。 Find below working examples of the map command. [96][113] All Mutations are now available through an update, making them selectable in the PC version. [118][119] A further patch in February 2013 introduced a new scripting system, Expanded Mutation System, that gives programmers more control and options to create new Mutations that can be played across any map or to customize behavior in specific campaigns; one such user-created Mutation creates an experience similar to the Zombie mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops II, allowing players to buy weapons and barricades to fight off waves of zombies. L4D2 Map Dead Center; The Passing; Dark Carnival; Swamp Fever; Hard Rain; The Parish; Cold Stream; Addon Map Tanks Playground V2.6; 最新の 15 件を表示しています。 コメントページを参照 . [147] According to the NPD Group, the Xbox 360 version was the fifth best-selling retail title for consoles in November 2009, with over 744,000 copies sold. Newell jokingly reported that Valve was "boycotting" Joe's new mod for the game when Joe asked when he would be flown to Valve in the same manner as the Left 4 Dead 2 boycotters, but whimsically offered that if Joe was to pay to fly him to the country, he would take a look at it. The Passing is the first DLC crossover campaign of Left 4 Dead 2, which includes a new campaign and "new co-operative challenge modes of play" and introduces a new firearm, the M60; the Golf Club, and a new Uncommon Infected called the Fallen Survivor. The game made its world premiere at E3 2009 with a trailer during the Microsoft press event. 求生之路2游戏专题;提供求生之路2中文版游戏下载,求生之路2地图下载,求生之路2修改器,求生之路2汉化补丁,求生之路2攻略秘籍,求生之路2游戏截图、壁纸等资料。在续作《求生之路2》里,玩家熟悉的游戏核心元素并不会发生太大的改变,但细节要素上会得到大量的扩充。 However, the final level in each campaign requires the Survivors to call for rescue and either survive a prolonged onslaught until rescue arrives, pass through an especially challenging gauntlet of Infected to reach an escape vehicle, or (in Dead Center and The Passing) collect and utilize fuel cans to enable their escape. [79], Doug Lombardi, vice-president of marketing for Valve, noted that the SDK released for Left 4 Dead would also be compatible with Left 4 Dead 2.[80]. Left 4 Dead 2 features a new cast of four human survivors: Coach (voiced by Chad Coleman), a stocky high school football coach with a bad knee (although this does not affect gameplay);[39][45] Nick (voiced by Canadian singer Hugh Dillon), a pessimistic gambler and con artist;[40][46] Rochelle (voiced by Rochelle Aytes), a low-level production assistant for a local television station that was reporting on the pandemic;[38][47] and Ellis (voiced by Eric Ladin), a friendly and talkative redneck mechanic[48] who often talks about his friend Keith and their many misadventures. Willie Jefferson of the Houston Chronicle, after seeing initial promotional material for the game, considered that several of the infected "appear to be African-Americans" implying a racist approach to the game, and also noted that "setting the game in a city that was a scene of dead, bloated bodies floating by" some years after the impact of Hurricane Katrina was "a bad call". Also three monsters from Resident Evil 6 are added as replacement skins to existing monsters on the PC version of Left 4 Dead 2.[111][112]. As a result, the memory use for the infected dropped by 50%. 2.9 (01-Apr-2020) - Fixed "IsAllowedGameMode" from throwing errors when the "_tog" cvar was changed before MapStart. [176] Both Lombardi and Newell were "surprised" by the classification refusal. This cheat would load The Sacrifice Docks map. [8][9], Each Survivor can carry one each of five categories of equipment: primary weapons, secondary weapons, throwable weapons, major medical supplies (which also includes ammunition upgrades) and minor medical supplies. 25.5%. Author … [126] Tournaments have been held utilizing the Confogl modification, such as the CEVO tournament.[127]. The content is in public beta, available to players for testing and data collection on any issues, with a complete release date on 24 July. [154] In August 2011, Faliszek said that the series had sold over 11 million in total. [175] However, a small number of members of the OFLC board believed the game could merit the MA15+ rating which was used to publish the first Left 4 Dead. The two tier three weapons (Grenade Launcher and M60) differ from tier one and two weapons both because of their rarity and because players cannot refill their ammunition from ammunition dumps. Plus Save 33% until Monday", "Left 4 Dead 2 'Passing' DLC Hits Thursday", "Frank West makes a cameo in L4D2 The Passing", "Double Shot- Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing DLC", "New Left 4 Dead Expansion Lets You Choose Who Will Live Or Die", "Today's Announcements: Super Mario Bros 2, Monster Hunt 4, Gears of War: Judgement, Left 4 Dead 2: Cold Stream", "Left 4 Dead 2 'Cold Stream' DLC for Xbox 360 this Friday", "Left 4 Dead 2 is getting an update, The Last Stand, made by the community", "Left 4 Dead 2 has added a new official campaign, made by fans", "Valve builds entirely new 'Left 4 Dead 2' campaign with the community", "Left 4 Dead 2 almost got 'Cabin in the Woods' DLC", "Coach, Ellis, Nick, and Rochelle mashing it up in RE6", "Left 4 Dead Campaigns Now (Unofficially) Work In Left 4 Dead 2", "16-player co-op Left 4 Dead 2 looks like a bad dream", "Valve Hypes Up Homegrown Left 4 Dead 2 Maps", "Steam Workshop is coming to Left 4 Dead 2! [61][62], As a tumultuous rainstorm approaches (the titular Hard Rain of the subsequent campaign), the survivors go ashore at Ducatel in Mississippi, after which they make their way through an abandoned (and Witch-infested) sugarcane mill to a gas station to get diesel fuel,[63] and return to signal Virgil using the neon sign of a burger chain restaurant. 22.1%. These water effects were further expanded upon for Valve's next game, Portal 2. See command page for a list of all maps. The survivors arrive at the bridge in Rayford, where they meet Francis, Louis, and Zoey. The demo became available for all PC and Xbox Live Gold users on November 4, 2009 with Xbox Live Silver users gaining access on November 11, 2009. [97] "The Passing" contains references to other zombie-themed works, including the games Dead Rising (2006)[98] and Plants vs. Zombies (2009),[99] and the film 28 Days Later (2002). [150], Over two weeks in July 2010, approximately 12,000 owners of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 were mistakenly banned by Valve's-Anti-Cheat system. [109][110], On April 4, 2013 a Resident Evil 6 crossover DLC was released for the PC version. [38][39][40][41][42] While the game is intended as a continuation of the original, occurring one week after the first game begins, Valve decided to create a new group of survivors due to the change in location. [174], Left 4 Dead 2 was refused classification in Australia by the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC). You can also find help for the map command, which is used to change and load different maps in your game. In every campaign, most levels involve the Survivors attempting to reach a safe zone and close the door once they are all safely inside. [58] After being rescued, they later discover that their pilot is infected. However, the international (and thus uncensored) version was indexed by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young Persons on December 1, 2009 in order to prevent sellers from advertising or selling it to minors. [151][152][153], On May 10, 2011, Doug Lombardi mentioned that each of the Left 4 Dead games had sold three million copies on the Xbox 360. The Survivors must fight their way through five campaigns, interspersed with safe houses that act as checkpoints, with the goal of escape at each campaign's finale. The Classification Review Board cited "insufficient delineation between the depiction of zombie characters and the human figures" as one of the key factors in its classification refusal. [94], A prequel to "The Passing", titled "The Sacrifice", was released on October 5, 2010, as an add-on for both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. [73] Each campaign was purposely designed with a different feel; however, all five campaigns were mapped out at the same time by the entire team to provide the narrative flow and ensure the uniqueness of each campaign. Headshots to enemies deal more damage, whereas limb or body shots require more shots. These gamers also believed that the group itself, losing its purpose, was now being used just to bad-mouth Valve, their staff and other players. Set during the aftermath of an apocalyptic pandemic, Left 4 Dead 2 focuses on four new Survivors, fighting against hordes of zombies, known as the Infected, who develop severe psychosis and act extremely aggressive. The Christmas update also included a special achievement called "Ghost of Christmas Present," awarded to veteran players who helped the free holiday players survive in the game's campaign mode. The Civil Emergency and Defense Agency (CEDA) and the U.S. military create safe zones to attempt to evacuate as many survivors as possible. ": Valve Left 4 Dead 2 Blog Post "Cold Stream Release": IGN "Left 4 Dead 2 Cold Stream DLC Coming in July": GameZone "Left 4 Dead 2: Cold Stream release date announced": Valve's Left 4 Dead 2 Blog Post "December 2nd Update - Special Confogl Update": Valve Left 4 Dead 2 Blog Post "You're headed in the wrong direction. Left 4 Dead 2 includes 5 regular game modes: Left 4 Dead 2 also features a Realism mode, which can be enabled at any difficulty for either Campaign or Versus. Uploader Spartan46. Left 4 Dead 2’s “The Passing” brings the original Left 4 Dead Survivors down south for a meeting with the L4D2 cast, while delivering new single-player, multiplayer and co-operative gameplay. See command page for a … [143], Pre-release sales estimates for Left 4 Dead 2 were positive. [81][82] Pre-ordering the PC version of the game through the Steam network also unlocks Bill's beret from Left 4 Dead for use in the PC version of Team Fortress 2. map Command Documentation. Author Spartan46. [182] In mid-December 2009, the Australian government sought public opinion on the adult classification rating for video games, despite statements by South Australian Attorney General Michael Atkinson believing the issue to only affect a minority of the country's citizens. HEAD HONCHO Decapitate 200 Infected with a melee weapon. Directed by Erik Johnson. ", "Call of Juarez and Left 4 Dead 2 in Racism Controversy", "Valve Appealing, Editing Left 4 Dead 2 for Aussie Classification", "Valve Appeals Australia's Left 4 Dead 2 Ban", "Left 4 Dead 2 Secures Australian Release", "Left 4 Dead 2 Australian 'Ban' Appeal Fails", "Authorities split over video game ratings", "Australia Opens R18 Debate, Invites Public Submissions", "South Australia Attorney General John Rau supports R18+ rating", "Australia officially introduces R18+ for games", "Valve investigating R18+ options for Left 4 Dead 2 in Australia", "Uncensored Left 4 Dead 2 Finally Gets Classified In Australia: UPDATED", "Entscheidung: AG Tiergarten: Beschlagnahme des PC-Spiels "Left 4 Dead 2, Video game classifications and controversies, 1993 congressional hearings on video games,, First-person shooter multiplayer online games, Multiplayer and single-player video games, Video games developed in the United States, Video games featuring female protagonists, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles using Infobox video game using locally defined parameters, Articles using Wikidata infoboxes with locally defined images, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2016, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2012, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles using Video game reviews template in multiple platform mode, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The Passing takes place between Dead Center and Dark Carnival and is set in the suburban town of Rayford, Georgia. ", "Left 4 Dead 2 Workshop is live – build your own levels", "Left 4 Dead 2 'Expanded Mutation System' enters beta, offers advanced mod support",,,, "Left 4 Dead 2 Critic Reviews for Xbox 360", "The reasons you need to buy Left 4 Dead 2 on PC", "13th Annual Interactive Achievement Awards Finalists", "OTX: Call Of Duty Brand Return Helps Modern Warfare 2", "L4D2 pre-orders twice that of original News", "Left 4 Dead 2 pre-orders "four times" that of the original", "Valve: Left 4 Dead 2 Sells 2 Million In Two Weeks", "NPD Top 20 Reveals Nintendo Titles, God Of War Remakes", "Left 4 Dead 2 Sells 2.9 Million, Dragon Age 2.7 Million; EA Loses $82 Million", "The Master of Online Mayhem Page 3 of 3", "Valve Anti-Cheat software goes a bit GlaDOS? Joe was able to raise the required funds, US$3000, through donations through his website, though ultimately Newell paid for the trip himself, with Joe's collected donations going to the Child's Play charity. John Walker of UK-based gaming website Rock, Paper, Shotgun has theorized that this is due to higher expectations for Valve, given the perception of its status as an industry leader. [101] Valve also provided the full "No Mercy" campaign from Left 4 Dead as a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign, which is playable with the original Survivors from Left 4 Dead. The title "The Passing" can be interpreted in several ways; to Bill's passing, the brief passing encounter between the two groups, and of the first group of survivors "passing the torch" to the next. Finally, in later versions of the game, there is a Mutation option, in which players can select from a menu of 30 variations, some singleplayer, some multiplayer (and some of the latter cooperative, some versus, or both). CHAIN OF COMMAND Kill 100 Common Infected with the chainsaw. The leads on the community project had worked on levels and had pitched the idea to Valve around 2019, but at that time, the studio was in the final stages of finishing Half-Life: Alyx, but gave the team permission to continue what it was doing, including providing a map for a lighthouse setting (the origin of the "The Last Stand" name) that was omitted from the original Left 4 Dead. Concert and concert tank themes, the safe... more > Updated 01/17/21 where a second CEDA evacuation is... Gain a MA15+ rating, the original survivors from L4D1 as seen in the game as a picture...?, Confoglgol attention put in every detail the game was offered for... ] a new addition to Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc3\pak01_dir.vpk ; March 22, 2011 Stream. On November 16, 2009 sales estimates for Left 4 Dead campaigns into Left 4 Dead 2 was for. April 4, 2013 town of Rayford, Georgia, and after the events of comic book the. 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