Keep the water warm, in the range of 77 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit (25 to 28 degrees Celsius), with a pH of 7.0 or below. Its gold spots and lines intensify the blue-green background of this fish. Danios are playful and sociable and they live happily in the aquarium environment. Yes. Good companions are other robust, similarly-sized fish. Danios are extremely hardy and supremely adaptable, making them excellent choices for the beginner aquarists. 12 conseils pour l'aquarium à poisson rouge. There is also a Long Fin Zebra Danio, which has fancy elongated dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, anal and caudal fins. Giant danio Scientific Name Devario malabaricus Family Cyprinidae Origin India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Temperament Peaceful Maximum Size 5 inches Minimum Tank Size 40 gallon Tank Setup Likes fast moving water, not required though Tank Region Middle-top Diet Omnivore Breeding Egg-scatterer. Most danios are extremely small in size and are often horizontally striped. In fact, their ability to adapt to a wide variety of water conditions makes them … Le poisson apprécie les eaux douces relativement fraîches: 22 à 24 °C, pH 6 à 8, dH 5 à 15.L'habitat et l'écologie de l'espèce indique qu'il vit en eau douce dans des ruisseaux de montagne (d'où une température d'eau assez fraîche) avec lit de gravier. Il vit surtout à la surface en petits groupes. Giant Danio: This fish can reach up to 4” (10 cm) when they turn adult, so try to keep them with large species. During spawning, these fish can produce up to 20 eggs for the duration of every pairing, which will continue until all the eggs have been scattered on the plants. The Emerald Dwarf Danio has a pale copper head, a pinkish-orange body with up to 15 iridescent blueish-green bars down the flanks and a single black spot, rimmed in copper, at the base of their caudal fin. Aquarium keepers love them for their peaceful, soothing nature. Temperament. Temperament: Peaceful (energetic and create competition for food) ... (AF-Giant-Danio-Fish) SKU: AF-Giant-Danio-Fish: Brand: PetWave: Be The First To Review This Product! So for the Danio-lovers, in this article, I will come up with a complete Zebra Danios care guide. The giant danio is one of the larger danios in the fishkeeping industry. L'aquarium de maintenance devra être de taille suffisante et disposer d'une façade minimum de 150 cm. Keep in a small school as this fish is very active. Giant danio. Because they are quite quick, these danios are sometimes used in … Eggs hatch in 24 to 36 hours and the fry will grow to be free-swimming around 48 hours after that. In the wild, zebrafish are considered an annual species and generally only live for about a year. One female danio can lay around 100 eggs during one breeding session. Giant Danio Fish (source – CC BY-SA 4.0) Giant Danios make good neighbors with the African Cichlids when placed in the same tank fish. Originaire, comme beaucoup de Danio, de l'Inde, du Népal à l'Indochine, Sri Lanka, Thaïlande, Myanmar, Devario aequipinnatus est le géant des Danio puisqu'il peut atteindre 15 cm adulte. 10 cm. Giant Danio Tropical Fish Learn all about the Giant Danio's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Giant Danios will happily accept a wide variety of foods, which includes flake, granules, freeze-dried, frozen, and live foods. The Giant Danio is an active and peaceful fish. Il peut être un peu bruyant dans un petit aquarium mais présente l'avantage d'être relativement facile à élever. Whether exploring the world of animals, looking for a type of pet, or need images for animal identification, the Animal-Image Gallery can help! Try to keep them in groups of more than 4. The naturally occurring Albino Zebra Danios lack pigmentation and have an off-white to a pinkish color. Les danios du genre Devario sont des poissons de type rasborins et ou danionins. There is another kind of Danios known as Giant Danio, which grows up to 5 inches in length. The Giant Danio is a gorgeous torpedo-shaped fish with a beautiful iridescent blue colouration that reflects a pale blue-green background as the fish swiftly changes direction. The Giant Danio is a gorgeous torpedo-shaped fish with a beautiful iridescent blue colouration that reflects a pale blue-green background as the fish swiftly changes direction. Danios are one of the most popular species of freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. Two pairs of long barbels are present in them and they are characterized by horizontal stripes except in Black Barred Danio, Panther Danio and Glowlight Danio in which vertical bars can be seen. Vivant en eau douce, toutes les espèces se trouvent dans le sous-continent indien, au Sri Lanka et... La description et les espèces du: genre Devario. 6.0. I have a giant danio in my 55 gal and it does pretty well with the other fish. Name. Aquarium Diet: Giant danios are naturally omnivores, but to encourage them to spawn they need to be fed high quality protein-rich foods such as … 20 -26 C . They can be found in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Cambodia and northern Thailand. Giant Danio: This fish can reach up to 4” (10 cm) when they turn adult, so try to keep them with large species. Their constant activity can be disruptive to slower swimming fish and shy or smaller tankmates. Add to cart. But when well cared for, you can expect your aquarium fish to live for about 2 to 5.5 years. Complete guide to animal pictures. Date Added: 9/30/2020 - Updated: 9/30/2020 7:02:23 PM. Les poissons d'eau douce Cypriniformes constituent un ordre de poissons à nageoires rayonnées, qui inclut les carpes, dont les poissons rouges, les koïs, les barbus, les vairons,... La description et les familles de: l'ordre Cypriniformes. L'aquarium qui accueillera cette espèce grégaire devra accepter de telles dimensions. The Giant Danio is also a very attractive fish with captivating blue coloration. The body is blue and grey with thin yellow or orange bands running horizontally along it. You need a long tank because in shorter tanks the fish can all see each other even when they are at opposite ends of the tank. The Giant Danio is a true "giant" among danios. Scientific Name. Females are dull colored and Bulkier. Ideal for beginners. The Giant Danio (Devario aequipinnatus) is shoaling fish that is native to the clear, moderately flowing, gravel streams and rivers of Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the West coast of India. They prefer shaded and clear water and a gravel or sandy substrate. Keep the water warm, with a low pH and provide fine-leaved plants, such as java moss; alternatively, you can use a spawning mop. It can grow to a maximum length of four inches and is an excellent schooling fish in larger community aquariums. Giant Danios make good neighbors with the African Cichlids when placed in the same tank fish. Giant danio. Giant Danios have torpedo shaped bodies that are a captivating blue to blue green in color. Egg Layers. - 7.0. I have a couple of small zebra danios and it doesn't bother them. It will do best in a shoal and like other danios, prefers a planted aquarium. Males will be brighter. Giant Danios fair better when kept in a group containing five or more fish. It is a plant reliant fish that adds a pop of color and lively activity to any tank.Typically, the Celestial Pearl Danio lifespan is 3-5 years in s… They are characterized by two pairs of long barbells that hang from their mouth. Le poisson fraie plusieurs fois avec de petits intervalles libérant à chaque fois 5 à 20 oeufs. Speaking of mixing Danios, something that’s always been on my list of things to do, I’ve always wanted to set-up a long tank, like an 8 footer, with several groups of Danios where the tank is large & long enough that the fish exhibit a true schooling nature. L'aquariophilie pour des aquariums modernes. It is relatively hard to differentiate males from females. Latin Name: Danio aequipinnatus Tank Size 100 Lt.; Care Level: Easy Water Conditions: pH 6.0-7.0 KH 8-12, 22-24° C Color Form: Blue, Yellow Geographic Region: India Temperament: Peaceful Max Size: 10cm Family: Cyprinidae WaterConditions: pH 6.0-7.0 KH 8-12, 22-24° C Diet: Omnivore Overview. Occasionally encompass vegetable flakes in their feedings to supply a well-balanced diet. Also, your Danios must be large enough to make a perfect match with the African Cichlids. Tout l'univers en aquariophilie d'AquaPortail (© 2006-2021) pour un aquarium durable. Live food preferable. This item is currently out of stock! Water Chemistry: Giant danios prefer a water temperature that ranges from 72-75F, a KH that ranges from 8-12, and a pH that ranges from 6.0-7.0. The Giant Danio is an excellent addition to a large community tank, especially if you're already raising big fish. Devario aequipinnatus. Can Giant Danio love with Goldfish Goldfish are one of the most loved aquarium pets and that is probably due to their captivating appearance. The Giant Danio is a true giant among danios. The Continental Giant, also called the German Giant, is one of the largest and oldest domestic rabbit breeds characterized by a long, semi-arch body, along with broad hindquarters, straight, sturdy, and well-proportioned front legs, and thick, robust ears that are held upright. Giant danio Giant Danio Profile. It is the biggest of the danios and therefore requires a large aquarium with plenty of swimming room. It is the biggest of the danios and therefore requires a large aquarium with plenty of swimming room. Corkscrew Vallisneria | 5cm Pots | Live Aquarium P. $6.57. Danio Lifespan. angel fish, gourami, pleco, giant danio, tiger barb. Cela entraîne qu'il n'a pas trop les faveurs des aquariophiles. Giant Danio Tropical Fish Learn all about the Giant Danio's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. Item# DANIO-GIANT-L. $2.88. Il se nourrit principalement d'insectes exogènes (larves) et également de vers et de crustacés (crevettes par exemple). Still, typically the females tend to be larger than males, possess a more rounded abdomen, their golden lines are much more broken than the male, they are not as vibrantly coloured, and the lower jaw of the females does not seem to protrude as much as that of the male. A tight-fitting lid should always be placed on the aquarium housing these fish, as they like to jump. It goes crazy when I add new fish, it will chase them for the first day then leave them alone. Sexing. However, getting to know your goldfish’s personality and temperament can go a long way. e sure to keep the hood closed or they can jump. The Giant Chinchilla, the largest of the Chinchilla rabbits, is a cross between the Flemish Giant and Standard Chinchilla. The Giant Danio is an excellent addition to a large community tank, especially if you're already raising big fish. Their native substrate is small gravel . Provide fine-leafed plants, such as java moss, or a spawning mop. Don’t get scared by the ‘giant’ tag in their nomenclature; your goldfish will not get crushed by the giant danio which can only attain a maximum length of 11 cm in captivity – but you will need a relatively large tank to house them as cherish swimming about in a shoal. Peaceful. Giant danios are relatively easy to breed, and the fry are fairly easy to raise. Care Level. New. Giant Danios are endemic to the Indian subcontinent and most of Indochina. It would be best to attempt breeding in a spacious tank that has some exposure to daylight if possible, as this triggers spawning. C'est le plus grand groupe de poissons, mais aussi le plus réussi; il... La description et les ordres de: la classe Actinopterygii. You can also keep a school of Giant danio at a Cichlid tank because it can be a good tankmate for Cichlid. Hardy and compatible with the majority of freshwater fish. We Also Recommend . Zebra Danio The Zebra Danio is a highly active swimmer, especially when kept in small schools. In the wild, they can become as large as 3.7 inches. Feed the fry with infusoria or powdered food until they are big enough to accept freshly hatched brine shrimp. They have yellow to gold colored horizontal lines and spots that intensify the body color, and fins that are a gray to clear color. Avec une longueur standard d'environ 13-15 cm, un aquarium d'eau douce de 450 litres est un minimum pour un groupe de 8 poissons. Danios need to be separated before breeding and a separate tank needs to be used for the actual breeding process and an eventual nursery. Giant Danios are not aggressive fish, but they are quite active and very energetic feeders. In the wild, giant danios live in clear streams and rivers among hills at elevations up to 1000 ft (300 m) above sea level. L'aquarium qui accueillera cette espèce grégaire devra accepter de telles dimensions. ... Zebra Danio Temperament. Giant Danios have torpedo shaped bodies that are a captivating blue to blue green in color. Giant Danios fair better when kept in a group containing five or more fish. The rarer Golden Zebra Danio has a golden background color and silvery-white stripes. are Level: eginners and up Size: Up to 2 inches Temperature: 73°F - 77°F pH: 6.5 - 7.0 Lifespan: 5 - 7 years Temperament/ ehavior: Hardy, peaceful and compatible. Danio Giant Diet; Différences sexuelles; L'élevage du géant Danio; Plus de races de poissons de compagnie et autres recherches; Le Danio géant est un excellent ajout à un grand réservoir d'eau douce, surtout si vous élevez déjà des poissons plus gros tels que les Chiclids. Remove the breeding pair as soon as the eggs are laid, or the parents will consume the eggs and fry. But to make their neighborhood strong, you need to include the Rainbowfish in the same tank environment. D. aequipinnatus vit dans les cours supérieur et moyen des rivières Koshi, Gandaki et Mahakali en Asie du Sud-Est. The Giant Danio (Devario aequipinnatus) is shoaling fish that is native to the clear, moderately flowing, gravel streams and rivers of Sri Lanka, Nepal, and the West coast of India. Giant danio Scientific Name Devario malabaricus Family Cyprinidae Origin India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Thailand Temperament Peaceful Maximum Size 5 inches Minimum Tank Size 40 gallon Tank Setup Likes fast moving water, not required though Tank Region Middle-top Diet Omnivore Breeding Egg-scatterer. Omnivores: All types of small sized Tropical fresh water fish food. Originaire, comme beaucoup de Danio, de l'Inde, du Népal à l'Indochine, Sri Lanka, Thaïlande, Myanmar, Devario aequipinnatus est le géant des Danio puisqu'il peut atteindre 15 cm adulte. Behavior and Temperament The Giant Danio is a true giant among danios. Its fins and tail are luminously shaded. are Level: eginners and up Temperature: 65°F - 75°F pH: 6.5 - 8.0 Lifespan: 2 - 5 years Temperament/ ehavior: … Description Reviews (0) Difficulty:Beginner Max Growth Size:6-10 cm Temperament: Peaceful schooling fish Water Temperature: 23-26 pH Level: 6.4-7.0 Diet: Omnivorous. They are available in several colorful varieties – from the fantails to black moors, comets, lion head, and so on – that will delightfully grace every tank they inhabit. Despite it's name, it rarely grows to its maximum size and is suitable for a medium to large community aquarium. These include cyprinids like some of the other danios and barbs, loaches, catfish, and even cichlids. Therefore, if you put 2-3 female danios in a breeding tank, you can expect several hundred eggs. To bring out the best colouration, provide live foods, such as mosquito larvae, bloodworms, brine shrimp, chopped earthworms and daphnia. 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