Température : 25 – 30°C. It is capable of feeding in midwater or on the surface. Temperature: 78-84 degrees F pH: Prefers neutral to acidic pH levels, but can tolerate alkaline conditions well. As Bolivian Rams are quite tolerant of water temperature you can initially try to elevate the temperature to 86°F and see if it goes a… The Bolivian Ram Mikrogeophagus altispinosus (previously Paplilochromis altispinosus) is a very beautiful, small, and peaceful cichlid.This is a dwarf cichlid, only reaching up to about 3 1/2 inches (8.9 cm) in length. In this video we look at how to care for Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus). They're usually more comfortable at 76 to 78. Whether one morph of M. altispinosus, known to aquarium hobbyists as Mikrogeophagus sp. It is found throughout the Amazon River, in both Brazil and Bolivia. Four Bolivian rams should be fine stocking wise, but that temperature is a bit higher than what is preferable for them. However there are still some parasitic, bacterial and fungal infections that might find their way into your aquarium. Pendant l'hiver, la température descend de quelques degrés, surtout dans le centre-sud : la température moyenne en juin et en juillet est de 23 degrés à Trinidad, de 20 degrés à Puerto Suarez, et descend à 16/17 °C dans l'extrême sud, aussi en raison de l'altitude moyenne, qui dans cette zone est plus élevée (autour de 600/700 mètres). Latin: Mikrogeophagus altispinosus . Known by several nicknames including Bolivian Butterfly and Ruby Crown Cichlid, the Bolivian Ram is endemic to the Amazon river basin. Froese, Rainer and Pauly, Daniel, eds. General Information: Small, relatively peaceful cichlid from Brazil, and Bolivia in the upper Madeira. Being a peaceful fish, the Bolivian Ram makes a wonderful addition to the community tank, is compatible with other peaceful fish. This listing is for an adult, approx. This fish is extremely hardy and can adapt to most tank environments. Le succès en reproduction dépend du régime alimentaire et des paramètres de l'eau en eau (eau douce, légèrement acide, voir les données aquariophiles). Les deux espèces de cichlidés nains, constituant... La description et les espèces du: genre Mikrogeophagus. Pour la reproduction, une eau très douce et assez acide est utile. Also, Bolivian Rams do not get sick as easily as German Blue Rams. New A-Numbers, Habitat, Care and Reproduction. Use a submerged thermometer to keep a track of the temperature round the clock. The Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosa) is a species of South American dwarf cichlid, well-known for its peaceful demeanor. Why have you got the temp so high? Maximum Size Species Grows To: 9cm . 2.5 inch Bolivian Ram cichlid. C'est le plus grand groupe de poissons, mais aussi le plus réussi; il... La description et les ordres de: la classe Actinopterygii. Please be aware that the image is for illustration purposes only. Mikrogeophagus altispinosus is a species of fish endemic to the Amazon River basin in Brazil and Bolivia. They’re a peaceful freshwater fish that can get along with others without any issues. Hailing straight from the river basins of Bolivia and Brazil, this fish is very hardy and easy to care. During this time, the clutch is primarily cared for by the female, which fans the eggs and often adds sand to the clutch, possibly to camouflage the eggs. [1] It is a popular aquarium fish, traded under the common names Bolivian butterfly, Bolivian ram, Bolivian ram cichlid, and ruby crown cichlid. This is likely due to their instinctive drive to sift carefully through substrate for food, so as not to stir up debris with their fins. During winter, the temperature drops by a few degrees, especially in the center and south: the average temperature in June and July is 23 °C (73 °F) in Trinidad, 20 °C (68 °F) in Puerto Suarez, and it drops to 16/17 °C in the extreme south, also because of the altitude, which in this area is higher, around 600/700 meters (2,000/2,300 feet) on average. How To Keep Them How To Breed Them Other Information . 12 conseils pour l'aquarium à poisson rouge. [7] Aquarists classify M. altispinosus as a dwarf cichlid, and as such, it can be kept in relatively small aquaria, with minimum volumes being 80 l (20 gal). "Zweifleck/Two-patch", found in the upper Rio Guaporé in Brazil is a different species remains unclear. The Bolivian ram, although tolerant of a range of water conditions, needs attention to ensure conditions are stable. Ils se développent facilement avec des granulés pour cichlidés, mais il faut s'assurer que leur régime alimentaire est varié avec une offre d'aliments congelés et de proies vivantes, et certaines matières végétales telles que légumes ou de la spiruline en poudre. [citation needed], The species is similar in profile to the larger geophagine cichlids. Plus de 1700 espèces ont été scientifiquement... La description et les genres de: la famille Cichlidae. They’re known for having personality, and like to hide in the bottom levels of the aquarium. La classe Actinopterygii, francisé en Actinoptérygiens, est celle des poissons à nageoires rayonnées. The Bolivian ram is by far the best beginner cichlid. Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosa) prefers fairly soft, acidic water with a pH of 6.0 to 7.4 and a temperature range between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit and from 6 to 14 dGH. Adult size: 3-4 inches Minimum tank size: 30 gallon pH: 6.0-7.5 Temperature: 74-78°F (23-26°C) Decor: Rocks, Driftwood, and Plants Substrate: Sand Lighting: 8-10 hrs/day Diet: Omnivore. These behaviours are mainly undertaken by the male and in aquaria are known to last around 48 hours. Origin: Bolivia and Brazil . Fournir un substrat de sable fin, habituellement du sable de Loire, ou de gravier fin pour que l'altispinosa puisse fouiller le sol à son aise. The species is also more tolerant of lower temperatures (22–26 °C or 72–79 °F) and a greater range of water conditions than M. ramirezi. Hardness: 1-15 dH The Bolivian Ram is much heartier than the German Blue Ram. Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosa) enjoys soft to medium, slightly acidic, or neutral water conditions so it will be comfortable with other species of similar size that prefer this type of water chemistry. The ideal temperature of tank water for Bolivian Rams is 74-78.0° F (23.3-25.6° C). Its main color is pale yellow, its head and chest are bright orange. Bolivian Ram. Il ne faut, en effet, pas oublier que les microgéophages appartiennent à la sous-famille des Geophaginae, c'est à dire des géophages.Les ramis boliviens ont tendance à être relativement timides, mais si il est prévu une couverture adéquate avec des plantes de surface pour occulter une lumière trop intense, ils sortent facilement, mais jamais en pleine eau: ils restent toujours proches du sol.Ce poisson est un cichlidé très calme, mais avec plus d'une paire dans l'aquarium, il y aura des combats (et éventuellement des prises de lèvres assez impressionnantes) pour la domination. [2][3][4], The species occurs in the soft, acidic, warm waters of the Mamoré and Guaporé River drainages in Bolivia and Brazil. [3] Newly hatched fry are transported by the mouths of the parents to the shallow pits dug by the male during courtship and moved regularly between pits. L'aquariophilie pour des aquariums modernes. Angels should be quite happy at 76 to 78. As their trade name would suggest, the fish are most often found in Bolivia. Temperatures are less humid and more pleasant in the lowlands, however rain remains a possibility year round; A few times a year, usually between May and August, cold fronts coming up from Patagonia sweep the country sending temperatures plummeting, even in the Amazon ; During August and September, Bolivian farmers undertake a burn-off to clear overgrown forest areas. Crenicara altispinosa Haseman, 1911; Microgeophagus altispinosus (Haseman, 1911); Papiliochromis altispinosus(Haseman, 1911) They are hardy so live well in soft or hard water. Bolivian Ram Fish are very fascinating and friendly fishes that have the potential to add grace to your aquarium. Feeding: Omnivorous, Feeding on Flake, Cichlid pellets, and Frozen/Live Insect Larvae. These fish are endemic to parts of the Amazon River Basin. If you have any questions regarding livestock please contact us. “Bolivian Ram Cichlid” is the common name for the Mikrogeophagus altispinosus species. [6] The head and front half of the body is yellow, fading to olive-grey at the rear. Apistogramma are fun dwarf cichlids that are easy to breed and semi-aggressive. Bolivian Rams are hardy fish and providing they have good quality water (that is well oxygenation) they should be healthy and happy fish. Despite its large and tough appearance, the Bolivian is actually quite calm. Cependant, une fois qu'un mâle est devenu le mâle dominant et une certaine hiérarchie établie, les combats devraient être relativement rares. O [5] In its natural habitat is permanent freshwater streams and pools. The Bolivian Ram cichlid grows up to 8 cm long. La description et les familles de: l'ordre Perciformes. Behaviour: Generally good can be mildly aggressive, Can be kept with most … & G. Fischer: Baensch Aquarium Atlas Photo Index 1–5, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus (Haseman, 1911), Bolivian Rams establishing dominance by lip locking, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mikrogeophagus_altispinosus&oldid=989783529, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2007, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 November 2020, at 00:31. The Bolivian Ram also requires a few caves in which to hide in and stones to spawn on. They grow to a maximum size of about 3.5″, and love having plants and caves in their tanks. Tout l'univers en aquariophilie d'AquaPortail (© 2006-2021) pour un aquarium durable. Bolivian Rams appear to have a fluid 'stop-and-go' method of swimming, in which they typically move for a few paces, pause abruptly, then move again. If you have more than one ram add 5-10 extra gallons per ram. The fish areal is quite wide and it includes North and North-East Bolivia as well as Brazilian state Mato Grosso.The fish dwells in river tributaries, backwaters and lakes with sandy and muddy bottom; usually it prefers shallow and slow waters with lots of snags and luxuriant vegetation. These little cichlids are appropriate for the intermediate aquarium keeper and make very intelligent, interesting pets. The anal and pelvic fins are the same shade of red throughout with bright blue rays and dots. Although less popular than its close relative Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the Bolivian ram remains a commonly encountered cichlid for the aquarium. T here were several of these wild Crown Ruby Bolivian Rams, living in a huge, say about 200-gallon, planted aquarium with deionized water, with frequent 10% to 15% partial water changes, temperature about 78-degrees F., and several This is a parasite that appears as white spots on the skin of the fish. [1] The species is part of the family Cichlidae and subfamily Geophaginae. The first few rays of the dorsal fin are black, and both the dorsal and caudal fin are edged in a pinkish red. The fry become free-swimming after seven days and are led about in a dense school by the parents for foraging. Though, they inhabi… Being a peaceful fish, the Bolivian Ram makes a wonderful addition to the community tank, is compatible with other peaceful fish. Temperature: 74-84 Minimum Tank Size: 15-Gallons. Bolivian Ram Alternative Name(s): Scientific Name(s): Mikrogeophagus altispinosus Category: Cichlid Difficulty: Maximum Size: 9cms Minimum Tank Volume: 75 litres Minimum Tank Size: 24" x 12" x 15" Water Temperature Range: 25-26°C Water pH Range: 6.0-7.5 Water Hardness Range: 3-12 dGH. Identique à celle de M. ramirezi, avec une température de 27 °C environ. Temperature: 74 - 78 ℉ (23.3 - 25.6 ℃) PH: 6.0 - 7.5: GH: 6 - 14: TDS: 18 - 179: Origins of the Bolivian Ram Cichlid. Whilst these fish are hardy fish it is not recommended to keep them in water tempreatures less then 77f If the water tempreature is less then 77f the bolivian ram will not … Ce poisson est un très proche parent du ramirezi et seuls les caractères morphologiques les différencient: tout le reste est très semblable.Spécimen femelle de M. altispinosus adulte en captivité:Le dimorphisme sexuel entre mâle et femelle Mikrogeophagus altispinosus est conforme à de nombreuses espèces de Cichlidés nains, en se basant beaucoup sur les 3 premiers rayons de la nageoire dorsale et aux couleurs moins éclatantes des femelles.Il existe une autre morphe de M. altispinosus connue de tout cichlidophile spécialisé appelé Mikrogeophagus sp. The Bolivian Rams are great additions to a lively aquarium. Stawikowski, Rainer, Ingo Koslowski & Volker Bohnet (editors): Sudamerikanische Zwergcichliden/South American Dwarf Cichlids. An aquarium which mimics the natural environment of the species, i.e. (2007). Bolivian Ram Appearance. It can handle hard, alkaline water much better than a GBR can. : soft, acidic water with hiding places in the form of dense planted regions, or bogwood, is recommended. Their swimming style is usually gentle and graceful, but they can move surprisingly quickly when evading predators or chasing away territorial invaders. The Bolivian Ram is a good alternative to the more colourful, but also more demanding, Ram or Butterfly Cichlid, and doesn't require the elevated temperatures of it's counterpart. They are a tropical freshwater fish so keep the water between 74 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit and do not use saltwater. It has a delicate elongated oval shape adorned with long pointed fins and tail. Use a submerged thermometer to keep a track of the temperature round the clock. They seem more intelligent than their German cousins. Baensch, H.A. Les cichlidés sont des poissons, essentiellement d'eau douce en aquarium, dans la famille Cichlidae dans l'ordre des Perciformes. A dark, rounded spot is located right in the middle of the body on the sides, behind which noticeable gray stripes stretch towards the tail. Vu sur YouTube : Breeding Bolivian Ramirezi Pair in 180L Community Tank (source : Sigurkim) et Bolivian Rams (source : Kyoshoy1) Spiny dorsal fins, a feast of colors, small size, and mouths shaped like parrot beaks are all characteristics that make the popular Bolivian rams aquarium favorites. [7] So, M. altispinosus can be kept in some community aquariums, but assertive, active, or aggressive-feeding fish are not ideal companions for this relatively shy species.[3][7]. While they are part of the Cichlid family, Bolivian Rams are far more peaceful than other Cichlid species. Size of Species For Sale: 4-6cm . Bolivian Ram Stats Minimum Tank Size: 29 Gallons (110 Litres) Care Level: Hard Water Conditions: 6.5 – 7.5 pH and Soft Temperature: 71-81 °F (22-27 °C) Maximum Size: 3 inches (8 cm) Bolivian rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), or Bolivian butterflys, are a small, popular cichlid. Les petits cichlidés du genre Mikrogeophagus sont indigènes des bassins des fleuves Amazone et Orénoque, en Amérique du Sud. Le ramirezi bolivien Mikrogeophagus altispinosus est une espèce de Cichlidé nain dont le biotope est endémique et inclus dans une poignée de systèmes fluviaux en Bolivie et au Brésil, y compris le Rio Guaporé et Rio Mamoré. [5] The type locality is the Rio Mamoré at San Joaquin (Beni Province, Bolivia). Bolivian rams are biparental, open-spawning cichlids. [3], The species displays only limited sexual dimorphism, mature males being slightly larger and in some cases showing longer extensions on both the caudal fin and the posterior of the dorsal fin.[2][3]. In aquariums at 27 °C (80 °F), eggs take about 60 hours to hatch. [3] After courtship, the female deposits some 100–200 ovoid, brownish-coloured eggs on the chosen surface, normally a flattened stone, but occasionally a leaf. [3] The species is also more tolerant of lower temperatures (22–26 °C or 72–79 °F) and a greater range of water conditions than M. Temperature Range: 24-28 Degrees Celsius . In this, their bodily control is remarkable in that they appear to not be carried by momentum while stopping; they appear to 'freeze' instantaneously in place and 'hover,' before moving again. Above: In the picture, a young mature premium quality Crown Ruby Bolivian Ram Cichlid is swimming in one of our aquariums, when one of us snapped this picture . Long de 6 cm en moyenne, Mikrogeophagus altispinosus a longtemps été connu sous le taxon invalidé de Papiliochromis altispinosa, mais on trouve ce cichlidé nain encore fréquemment à la vente en magasin aquariophile sous cette ancienne appellation. Hello Fellow Fish Keepers! The Bolivian ram is a tropical fish and it needs water temperature of between 77f to 82f to thrive. In the wild Bolivian ram inhabits Amazon river headstream and Guaporé and Mamoré river basins. La classification (genre, famille, ordre, classe) donne des informations complémentaires pour l'espèce Mikrogeophagus altispinosus. They enjoy the company of other Bolivians, and even the company of their owner. [3], Although less popular than its close relative Mikrogeophagus ramirezi, the Bolivian ram remains a commonly encountered cichlid for the aquarium. Ce petit cichlidé M. altispinosus mange presque n'importe quoi de ce qui est offert, y compris les paillettes. A vertical black band runs across the eye, and six faint transverse stripes occur along the body; the third stripe is dark at its centre. Bolivian Ram Basics. Omnivorous, this fish sifts the substrate for plant material and small organisms. Pack Quantity: Three . Bolivian Rams. [3] The eggs are laid in lines; when the female has laid one line, the male passes over it and fertilises the eggs; the female then continues on to the next line and so on until egg laying is complete. Bolivia - Bolivia - Climate: Although Bolivia lies wholly within the tropics, it possesses every gradation of temperature from that of the equatorial lowlands to arctic cold. The optimal water conditions are as follows: Temperature between 73.4 and 79 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 26°C), pH level between 6.0 and 7.5 (slightly acidic), In the Andes, contrasts in temperature and rainfall depend more on elevation and cloud cover than on distance from the Equator, and cold winds sweep the Altiplano year-round. Maximum size is about 8 cm (3.1 in). Les poissons M. altispinosus sont assez adaptables et peuvent vivre entre pH 5,6 et 7,5, à une température centrée à 25-26 °C et encore une fois, en raison de l'adaptabilité, dans n'importe quelle eau douce avec un GH dans la gamme de 1 à 12. "Deux-taches", qui se trouve dans la partie supérieure du Rio Guaporé au Brésil: il est envisageable que ce soit une espèce différente. Température: 23 à 29 °C ; Paramètres de l'eau et aménagement: Les poissons M. altispinosus sont assez adaptables et peuvent vivre entre pH 5,6 et 7,5, à une température centrée à 25-26 °C et encore une fois, en raison de l'adaptabilité, dans n'importe quelle eau douce avec un GH dans la gamme de 1 à 12. Bolivian Rams (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus) are a beautiful addition to any community tank. In captivity, the species is not a fussy feeder and readily accepts many commercially available fish foods.[3]. If you are planning for a community fish that would do well with your other peaceful fish, then the Bolivian Ram is the one for you. ramirezi. The Bolivian Ram is an egg layer that prefers soft to medium hardness, neutral pH and slightly raised water temperatures (77-82°F). Common Name: Bolivian Ram . [7] Limited data are available on reproduction in the wild; in captivity, though, courtship is known to involve various body movements including head shaking, quivering, and preparation of spawning sites, including shallow pits. A very common problem is the white spot disease known as Ich. Bolivian rams do not need a large tank with 30 gallons being enough for one fish. La localité type se trouve à San Joaquin, sur le Rio Mamoré dans la Province Beni, en Bolivie. These fish can be found in several river systems throughout Bolivia and Brazil where they tend to inhabit soft, acidic waters. We are unable to guarantee the size, colour, sex or age of the fishes you are purchasing. 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