Far poorer are the slopes of Parnon, consisting for the most part of barren limestone uplands scantily watered. A man is the poorest judge of his own virtues or faults. And when the farmer has got his house, he may not be the richer but the poorer for it, and it be the house that has got him. A year later, however, Antipater banished some 12,000 of the poorer citizens, and Epicurus joined his father, who was now living at Colophon. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB He had not disgraced himself, and no friend or tradesman was the poorer for his rashness. This is a poor nation. Poor children could be seen on the streets of India begging tourists for anything they could get. As regards the cultivation of the soil Syria remains stable; but the soil is becoming relatively poorer, the value of the imports constantly gaining upon that of the exports. The city they entered was dirty and rank, the people poorer than any he'd ever seen. Vote & Rate 5. It seems obvious that the lighter and poorer soils would benefit more than the heavier or richer soils by the extended growth of leguminous crops. Tamarinds overhang the huts of the poorer classes, while the seat of a wealthy family may be recognized by clumps of bamboo. More Poorest Quotes. Commonly used words are shown in bold. malignant gists arising in the small intestine have a significantly poorer prognosis than those arising in the stomach. To these we find nothing analogous in the other kingdoms, though the poorer classes of Welsh freemen had wergilds varying from r 20 to 60 shillings. : For this reason, the haymaker or roundhouse is not a conventional punch, and is regarded by trainers as a mark of poor technique or desperation. Share. She was born and raised in the same area where she now patrols, which is where the poorer folks in the city reside. This will help you take high-resolution photos instead poorer quality low resolution ones. As it is a staple food with the poorer classes, the deficiency is made up through importation. How to use worse in a sentence. antonyms. But attendance at the diet was regarded by the bulk of the poorer deputies as an intolerable burden, and they frequently agreed to grant the taxes for two or three years in advance, so as to be saved the expense 1 Some of these were of gigantic size, e.g. What little cooking is undertaken among the poorer natives is usually done outside. Gram is largely eaten by the poorer classes, but it is also used as horse-food. Add a comment 10. Today’s school does no poorer a job than it used to. typify is typified by the growth in the number of American-style gated communities, where the better-off are comfortably isolated from their poorer neighbors. 6. The crowd footage was generally poorer due to the dim studio lighting. The poorer qualities are extensively bought and made up in a similar way for Austria-Hungary and Germany. This is typified by the growth in the number of American-style gated communities, where the better-off are comfortably isolated from their poorer neighbors. A secondary object of the cleruchies was social or agrarian, to provide a source of livelihood to the poorer Athenians. Those taken in central Asia near or in Chinese territory are poorer and yellowish. At the lower elevations rice, maize and millets are common, wheat and barley at a somewhat higher level, and buckwheat and amaranth usually on the poorer lands, or those recently reclaimed from forest. The definition of poor is having little money or belongings, or lacking something. Various sections of the poorer part of the city are occupied almost exclusively by the immigrants from Poland, Hungary and Italy. That is a poor excuse for being late. In 1696 and 1697 he presented memorials to the king suggesting that the firstfruits and tenths raised by the clergy should be devoted to the augmentation of the poorer livings, and though his suggestions were not immediately accepted, they were carried into effect under Queen Anne by the provision known as Queen Anne's Bounty. The Hague has grown very largely in modern times, especially on its western side, which is situated on the higher and more sandy soil, the south-eastern half of the town comprising the poorer and the business quarters. The native dwellings are constructed of wood, or occasionally are huts thatched with grass at the sides and top. Vitamin A deficiency, common throughout the poorer parts of the world, causes night blindness. The best brain age you can achieve is 20, with higher ages signifying poorer performance. Shortly before this date the palaces both of Cnossus and Phaestus had undergone a great destruction, and though during the ensuing period both these royal residences were partially reoccupied it was for the most part at any rate by poorer denizens, and their great days as palaces were over for ever. The Bolivian tin ore is treated by first extracting the silver by amalgamation, &c., and afterwards concentrating the residues; there are, however, considerable difficulties in the way of treating the poorer of these very complex ores, and several chemical processes for extracting their metallic contents have been worked out. Times, Sunday Times (2010) And he will say that new schools must be targeted at the poorest areas. Despite Count Bezukhov's enormous wealth, since he had come into an income which was said to amount to five hundred thousand rubles a year, Pierre felt himself far poorer than when his father had made him an allowance of ten thousand rubles. There are innumerable styles of cut of shoe, three being the commonest: (I) Salimshahi, these are shaped like English slippers, but are pointed at the toe, terminating in a thin wisp turned back and fastened to the instep. Lists. Cities such as Bejing, Guanzhou, and Shanghai, though traditionally poorer cities in the past, now rival larger cities all over the world for technology and manufacturing. The hardware of the digital superhighway -- optical fiber -- isn't due to arrive in many poorer parts of the country for years. Conversely poorer weeks can be transformed by a sudden downpour a couple of days earlier upstream, into a veritable Paradise. poorer women use contraception much less than wealthier women. Examples of poorer in a sentence Add a sentence Cancel. The Sun (2011) He shall deliver the poor and needy. satisfyme out poorer than he went in, but satisfied with the outcome. shirts of the natives of the poorer classes, and is, when very dark, the color of mourning; therefore, women at funerals, and generall after a death, smear themselves with it. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Poorest sentence examples. As trade and intercourse diminished Konia grew poorer and more ruinous. It appears, therefore, that if the poorer classes of the community have the discretion to avoid the lowest qualities they may obtain very good value in serviceable goods. Comment Men with more severe symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia had poorer health status. Trade and other gilds in antiquity held subscription suppers or g pavot, similar to those of the early Corinthian church, usually to support the needs of the poorer members. The poorer grades are employed in the manufacture of soap, candles and phonograph records. Poorest; 1. Some of the poorer sorts of furs, such as hamster, marmot, Chinese goats and lambs, Tatar ponies, weasels, kaluga, various monkeys, antelopes, foxes, otters, jackals and others from the warmer zones, which until recently were neglected on account of their inferior quality of colour, by the better class of the trade, are now being deftly dressed or dyed in Europe and America, and good effects are produced, although the lack of quality when compared with the better furs from colder climates which possess full top hair, close underwool and supple leathers, is readily manifest. It's a poor mouse that has only on hole. Stephen van Rensselaer, the proprietor of Rensselaerwyck, had suffered the rents, especially those of his poorer tenants, to fall much in arrears, and when after his death (1839) the agents of his heirs attempted to collect them they encountered violent opposition. Organize by: [Syllables] Letters: Show rare words: [Yes] No: Show phrases: [Yes] No: See poorer used in context: 8 rhymes, 4 Shakespeare works, several books and articles. According to her the poorest. 2. This stress is leading to higher chemical dependency, Or, perhaps equity concerns might result in more largesse being allocated to, They could buy medical services here which were not generally available to the, If they were richer, one would say, "They are dandies;" if they were, The atmosphere was refined, even among the, She had run out of uses and appetite for the never ending flow of eggs with which her, For decades ill-will, mistrust and antagonism has continued to make life all the, I would’ve laughed except that there were probably a hundred other men in the park dressed with much, After thirty minutes they pulled up outside a non-descript building in a, So I’m bothered by dental costs and think that they should be regulated down for, Johnsons and the like, may smile at my narrative, but the, Because their own children would eat their profits away in the winter and leave them, The fact is they are bloodsuckers who steal the lifeblood of millions of, The answer to this is, that those who own the better land should pay to those who own the, Theo pointed out that after each gig he went home to Alison, The little boy’s face brightened like he had been given the sun and he raced off toward the even, Huge new markets will open up for its member nations, especially the more recently joined and, As of April 2013, Apple is the most valuable company in a business world that had grown a little bit, Martha was the happy mother of the precise number of children the, That idea didn’t appeal much to the Slovenes and Croats, who were already fed up with having to subsidise the, He busied himself with great questions: the social problem, moralisation of the, So the biggest corporations of these rich countries can import more of their goods into these now, It is also natural that among many incubated funds the more successful ones will eventually be reported while, In Ireland, the inferior ranks of people are still, Poor in the extreme as far as their physical wants are concerned, they are still, It is only a part of the revenue of one set of the inhabitants which is transferred to another ; and the nation is not a farthing the, The early period was one of subnormal earnings, which would have been still, A serious investor is not likely to believe that the day-to-day or even month-to-month fluctuations of the stock market make him richer or, They represented a smattering of individuals from all walks and positions of society, but that said, the majority of them were of the, It"s just as well adventures are sometimes thrust upon us, we"d never choose them in the ordinary course of events and our lives would be the, The first factory closings had started about ten years ago, and as their families got, Whatever is too good is taken off the shelf and replaced with something that is of, They became so obsessed with owning as much land as possible, and cheating every person that was, Had Brewing remained a private company, its ability to borrow from lending institutions would have been considerably, And as soon as the enemy drew near the wealthy classes went away abandoning their property, while the, All of them tell me the rich (meaning the executive car owners) gives the least and the, It was a well-traveled alley, leading to a neighborhood of garrets and inns that catered to, A trend, however, cannot be used as a rough index; it represents a definite prediction of either better or. More than one-third of the district lies under jungle, which yields gum, medicinal fruit and nuts, edible fruits, lac, honey and the blossoms of the mahuci tree (Bassia latifolia), which are eaten by the poorer classes, and used for the manufacture of a kind of spirit. Examples of poorer in a Sentence. The city they entered was dirty and rank, the people poorer than any he'd ever seen. The common cockle is regularly used as food by the poorer classes. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 1, parts A and B, concentration indices in the met need for contraception to space (A) and limit childbearing (B) have been plotted. He was getting richer and richer as they got poorer and poorer. ". He came out poorer than he went in, but satisfied with the outcome. In the first period (Italic) cremation burials closely approximating to the Villanova type are found; in the second 1 (Venetian) the tombs are constructed of blocks of stone, and situlae (bronze buckets), sometimes decorated with elaborate designs, are frequently used to contain the cinerary urns; in the third (Gallic), which begins during the 4th centilry B.C., though cremation continues, the tombs are much poorer, the ossuaries being of badly baked rough clay, and show traces of Gallic influence, and characteristics of the La-Tene civilization. He strengthened his hold on the poorer classes by his measure for trebling the pay of the jurymen, which provided the poorer Athenians with an easy means of livelihood. The XXVIth Dynasty is often looked on as a renaissance; but when we compare similar work we see that it was poorer than the XXIInd, as that was poorer than the XIXth. Normal and industrial schools for both sexes are maintained, the latter (artes y oficios) performing a very important service for the poorer classes. The rich man is not any the richer for it, but the poor man becomes poorer by it. The nuts of other species of Areca are used by the poorer classes in the East as substitutes for the genuine betel nut. - The subsequent centuries show continuous decline, and in whatever branch we compare the work, we see that each dynasty was poorer than that which preceded it. In 1870 a hospice for poorer pilgrims was erected. Patients with certain symptoms, including semiconsciousness, persistent diarrhea, jaundice, and low blood sodium levels, have a poorer prognosis than other patients. Researchers and policymakers have attributed the poorer health of minority Americans in part to their reduced access to medical care and the lower quality of primary care they receive. It was found also that many of the poorer rectors and parish priests, and a great many chaplains and curates, were in secret association with the Lollards, so much so that in many places processions were never made and worship on saints' days was abandoned. The Romans were very serious about their bathing rituals and even poorer residents had access to baths. You are … Click on a word above to view its definition. income taxd a local incomes tax actually hurt poorer areas? poor meaning: 1. having little money and/or few possessions: 2. to have very little of a particular substance or…. The ten mosques and madrasas of Yarkand, although poorer than those of Bokhara or Samarkand, enjoy wide renown in the Moslem world. ". " Both cultivation and manufacture have been carried on in the old time way, by the rudest of methods, and the principal product is a coarse brown sugar, called panela, universally used by the poorer classes as an article of food and for making a popular beverage. are common, and furze and heath abound in the poorer parts. Examples of poorest in a sentence: 1. Members of the public tend to be suspicious of fuzzy numbers, poor accounting, and equally poorer accountability. Finally the poorer clergy, neglected by their bishops, and excluded from all preferment, took part with the szlachta against their own spiritual rulers and eagerly devoured and imparted to their flocks, in their own language, the contents of the religious tracts which reached them by divers ways from Goldberg and Konigsberg. She has a poor diet. Beginning her life as a poor girl, the celebrity rose to fame and is now rich and famous. Gracchus had proposed to distribute allotments to the poorer citizens subject to a state rent-charge; Drusus promised them free of all charge, and further that they should be inalienable. 63. The period between the downfall of Roman power, late in the 5th century, and the growth of a Bosnian state, in the i ith, is poorer in antiquities. It may be frail—its roof may shake—the wind may blow through it—the storm may enter—the rain may enter—but the King of England cannot enter—all his force dares not cross the threshold of the ruined tenement." Sara Collins: People in that older age group were entering the program in poorer … : And was it to save the poor thing from being hurt by the fall on the hard ground! Incorrect: She is the poorest of the two women. SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS, associations of men and women of the educated classes who take up residence in the poorer quarters of great cities for the purpose of bringing culture, knowledge, harmless recreation, and especially personal influence to bear upon the poor in order to better and brighten their lives. However, by junior and senior high school, retained students tend to have more behavior problems, more difficulties with peer relationships, lower self-esteem, and poorer attendance. synonyms. Thus, if the use of ores very much poorer than those we now treat, and the need of concentrating them mechanically, were to double the cost of a pound of iron in the concentrated ore ready for smelting, that would increase the cost of rails by only one quarter. 1 On turning from the attitude of the peasants and poorer townspeople to that of the scholars, we find in their writings a good deal of harsh criticism of the scholastic theology, satirical allusions to the friars, and, in Germany, sharp denunciations of the practices of the Curia. Even the poorest families will manage to get one somehow. Acute myelocytic leukemia (AML) has a poorer prognosis rate than acute lymphocytic leukemias (ALL) and the chronic leukemias. The poorer houses are built of brick with plaster fronts. The poorer grazing lands on the upper levels of the Alps, Pyrenees, Jura and Vosges, the Landes, the more outlying regions of the central plateau, southern Brittany, Sologne, Berry, ChampagnePouilleuse, the Crau and the Carnargue, these districts being given over for the most part to sheep-raising. Farmers in poor countries are generally the victims. From reign to reign the portraits grow poorer and more stereotyped, and the inscriptions more neglected, till it becomes obvious that the engraver himself no longer understood Greek but copied mechanically the signs before his eyes, as is the case with the contemporary Indo-Scythian coinage, and also in Mesene. Although Governor Brown represented the poorer class of white citizens he had taken a course in law at Yale College, had practised law, and at the time of his election was judge of a superior court; although he had never held slaves he believed that the abolition of slavery would soon result in the ruin of the South, and he was a man of strong convictions. This law provided for the establishment of a commission of ten, empowered to purchase land in Italy for distribution amongst the poorer citizens and for the foundation of colonies. Learn more.. Use "poorest" in a sentence. The ancient royal tenants became the feudatories of the great nobles, and fell naturally into two classes, the nobiles bene possessionati, and the nobiles unius sessionis, in other words the richer and the poorer gentry. Their uniforms were made from a poorer quality and were done in cotton, which was plentiful in the South. Feedback 17. This leads to price-fixing, with politicians siphoning off profits and leaving farmers and miners all the poorer. But this effect of participation in the bread and cup was not in Paul's opinion automatic, was no mere o, ', us operatum; it depended on the ethical co-operation of the believer, who must not eat and drink unworthily, that is, after refusing to share his meats with the poorer brethren, or with any other guilt in his soul. Po There are no hard and fast rules, but some people have found that Samsung phones can sometimes have poorer connectivity than phones that come from Nokia and Motorola. poorer in a sentence. examples. School-aged children who are abused typically have problems academically and have poorer grades and performance on standardized achievement tests. The spiked millet, known as bajra or cumbu, which yields a poorer food, is grown on dry sandy soil in the Deccan and the Punjab. disproportionate burden of taxation on poorer families. The western slope of Lebanon has the common characteristics of the flora of the Mediterranean coast, but the Anti-Lebanon belongs to the poorer region of the steppes, and the Mediterranean species are met with only sporadically along the water-courses. How to use poor in a sentence. This quarter has wide airy streets and lofty houses, and though perhaps the houses were let at prices which were beyond the purses of the lowest class, the result of their erection was to cause a number of the poorer houses in the old town to be vacated, thus giving an opportunity to the lowest class to be at any rate better housed than they were before. - The British and Foreign School Society (1808) and the National Society (1811), together with the Ragged Schools Union (1844), were the only special organizations providing for Element- the education of the poorer classes until 1870. aocusts appear in great swarms and do much damage; fires are lighted at night to attract them, and large quantities are caught and eaten by the poorer people. While the houses of the poorer classes are mean and too often dirty, in marked contrast are the houses of the wealthier citizens, built generally in a style of elaborate arabesque, the windows shaded with projecting cornices of graceful woodwork (mushrebiya) and ornamented with stained glass. Insect life is perhaps poorer and less varied than in Brazil, but in the 14 orders of insects there are no less than 98 families, each including many genera and species. : This scarab is a poor thing, give it back to me and you shall have a better. Legal; 1. spoorer definition: Noun (plural spoorers) 1.A hunter who tracks game by its spoor.Origin spoor +‎ -er: 5.How to use spoorers in a sentence Looking for sentences and phrases with the word : 2. Poor people need income not handouts. the poorer it is in iron, the more limestone must in general be added, and hence the more slag results, though of course an ore the gangue of which initially contains much lime and little silica needs a much smaller addition of limestone than one of which the gangue is chiefly silica. From one cause or another, principally Ottilie von Goethe's extravagance, the family was in very straitened circumstances; and the brothers, being thoroughly unbusinesslike, believed themselves to be poorer than they really were. This is probably due to two causes - the emigration of the poorer classes who subsisted on that form of food, and the gradual introduction of a more varied dietary. Poor definition is - lacking material possessions. Cutch-boiling forms the chief means of livelihood of a large number of the poorer classes in the Prome and Thayetmyo districts of Lower Burma, and a subsidiary means of subsistence elsewhere. The older we grow, the poorer our memory becomes. Where there are special concessions made by rich countries to poorer ones, these are usually little more than short-term expedients. Among the poorer classes it is called pacholi. The main reason is the lack of skilled professionals which in turn means that shortage in the basic facilities. The rural teachers, however, have been paid from the state fund, so that the poorer districts receive aid from the richer districts of the commonwealth. 1, 12 In this study we explored whether this reflected poorer women’s desire to have more children or their lower economic status. The rich grow richer and the poor grow poorer. How to Use "Poor" with Example Sentences. " That great philanthropist had come to see that the church could only reach the masses of the people effectively by greatly increasing the number of her places of worship and abolishing or minimizing seat-rents in the poorer districts. Pursue 8. Indeed, the more you have of such things the poorer you are. Sentence Examples 0 when I saw him, the poorest, who himself tore the kind-hearted veils in which mercy wraps us as well as the strange power which tames the senses, then I remembered the saying of this unhappy one in his sole joyful hour: 0 2. Many people find it difficult and awkward to add an er to a word already ending in the 'er' sound. The old town is the upper or northern part, and is inhabited by the poorer classes, its streets being badly paved, crooked, undrained, dirty and pestilential. The poorer classes, above all the fishermen and small farmers, are physically much finer than the wellto-do, who are prone to excessive stoutness owing to their more sedentary habits. Correct: She is poor. A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Poorest in a sentence. Having won popularity by donations to poorer citizens, he took advantage of a festival of Hera, which was being celebrated outside the walls, to make himself master of the city (about 535 B.C.). Expediency is the poorest of all excuses for action. The poorest of the poor then. In grammatical forms it is still poorer than Middle New Persian; except English, no Indo-European language Persian. The land-tax was doubled and trebled by war, by the pensions of the nobles, by an extortion the profits of which Richelieu disdained neither for himself nor for his family; and just when the richer and more powerful classes had been freed from taxes, causing the wholesale oppression of the poorer, these few remaining were jointly and severally answerable. In the case of poorer interments the destruction of the body was, on the contrary, often accelerated by the use of quicklime. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. In every part of the country many of the ministers were miserably poor; there were many stipends, even of important parishes, not exceeding £40 a year; and it was not till after many debates in the assembly and appeals to the government that an act was obtained in 1810 which made up the poorer livings to £150 a year by a grant from the public exchequer. Fabius Rullianus limited the landless and poorer freedmen to the four urban tribes, thus annulling the effect of Claudius's. See more. It is a poor heart that never rejoices. human. The shea-butter tree supplies an excellent oil for lamps, and also for cooking, though it is only used by the poorer classes. Trail 3. In Fig. Except in the case of a select few, Irving's preaching awakened little interest among the congregation of Chalmers, Chalmers himself, with no partiality for its bravuras and flourishes, comparing it to "Italian music, appreciated only by connoisseurs"; but as a missionary among the poorer classes he wielded an influence that was altogether unique. However, some low income families may be at higher risk due to poorer access to proper prenatal care and advanced medical services. People with Tourette syndrome who have other symptoms such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, and self-injurious behavior usually have a poorer prognosis. Racking up both time and money wealthier women - and historically downtrodden - Shia, who 40... Getting poorer games because last-minute improvements would be impossible the poorest families will to... Neither are subsidies to support poorer farmers soil in poorer areas: a poor that! 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