He swings on the slime causing it to catch fire and explode. As the two continue, Sanji yells for the Marines to run as the room begins to go into lockdown and the gas is let in from the previous locked room. They followed the trail leading them to a cliff. The Den Den Mushi then speaks up, revealing to be from Law. Vergo swears Law will regret this as he does not know of Doflamingo's past and tries to get Smoker to tell him the truth of the world. Law tells Doflamingo that he has Caesar, and it is time to conduct business. [24], Brownbeard declares he will save his crew from Caesar's lies, though Caesar taunts him as a failure of a New World Captain before defeating him with his Gastanets attack, blowing him up. The Straw Hats on the Sunny are knocked out and abducted by people in hazmat suits. Doflamingo collects Baby 5 and Buffalo and departs. The boy is reluctant at first, but Kin'emon, grateful to Sanji, convinces him it's alright. Law teleports his group into the lab and opens the shutter door to let the G-5 Marines enter the facility much to the shock of Caesar's underlings who find the captured prisoners now freed. [9], Back in the Biscuits Room, Sanji and Franky discover the lower half of the Punk Hazard staff's bodies are those of sheep. Law then swaps the minds of the escaping Straw Hats and steals all the Den Den Mushi from the Marines, preventing them from contacting the World Government. Vergo squeezes Law's heart, and Law cries out in pain. You can also have an extra section with up to 5 characters. [42], He then attacks his own minions with the Shinokuni, which Luffy becomes visibly enraged and appalled. Meanwhile at the lab's front door, the G-5 unit is still battling Caesar's guards, successfully managing to capture a ship. In the SAD room, Law recovers as Smoker and Vergo continue to duel to the death. The Marines then start to run after the Straw Hats, but are stopped in shock when Law uses his Devil Fruit ability to capsize their warship. Luffy's group hear the explosions and, seeing the giant footprints in the snow, head back to aid their friends. Caesar then tells his underlings not to provoke the Marines, and to just let them take refuge, because he has a plan. [13], Meanwhile, in the newly founded G-5 Marine shelter, Smoker, in Tashigi's body realizes what the CC he saw on the ships actually stood for. Afterwards, some strange people appear on the ship and decide to take the pirates, except for Brook, to "M", their master. However his departure does not go unnoticed by Monet. Meanwhile, Caesar plans to destroy Building B and allow the gas in, which would also kill Vergo. Nami and Usopp try to fight him off with Usopp even trying to blow him up with a Firebird Star. Luffy rockets up to the dragon's back and makes it bite its wing, wounding it and noticing some human legs on the dragon's head. Luffy talks with the tied up Brownbeard who states he loathes those that make up "the Worst Generation", which are comprised of Marshall D. Teach and the Eleven Supernovas. When Rock fires upon Luffy, the young captain says that Rayleigh taught him that just reflecting bullets was sloppy, and that instead he should bounce back the bullets with twice the power with the technique Gomu Gomu No Thank You Fire. Luffy jokes that its fine the way it is prompting Nami to yell at him. Slowly working through the Punk Hazard saga. Well, Funimation has finally given fans of English One Piece exactly what they want, because they announced on Sunday that the English dub will be returning soon with the series’ Punk Hazard saga. Zoro denies it but claims since Tashigi wants to fight Monet, sits down and permits Tashigi to have the battle. Smoker attacks Law, who dodges and slices up many Marines using his Devil Fruit ability. The Slime then releases a cloud of what appears to be poisonous gas that seems to suffocate the centaurs. Law prepares to stop them only for Nami and Usopp to offer to do it themselves. #onepiece #onepieceanime pic.twitter.com/DkyJQOlBju. One of his men then report one of the G-5's ships on the shore of the island, to which the gas commands that they get rid of it. However, Luffy dodges and punches Caesar again. Caesar states that he does not like this room, as the room was originally Vegapunk's old control room. Nami notes there are regular-sized kids there as well before the samurai asks the kids if they seen a boy named Momonosuke. Indeed where Zoro's group is, the slime is spitting itself over the lake much to the confusion of the group. Caesar vows to show the World Government that he will prove he is the greatest scientist in the world. Sind begs Luffy to obtain some of the candy, but Luffy keeps to Chopper's orders. She tell Zoro they managed to seal the room's entrance but know it will not hold for long. The slime reveals itself to be a Devil Fruit Zoan user, and has eaten the Sara Sara no Mi, Model: Axolotl. Kin'emon steps up, claiming he is called "Firefox" for the fact his sword slashes and burns. chrono8921 84; FoxxFireArt 80 × Pick a List. [54], On Dressrosa, the people of the island are confused and in an uproar over the news of their king's sudden resignation while Doflamingo is in his office reading. Meanwhile, the rest of the crew has decided to go fishing. He surmises that the kids have been given the drug in the form of candy to keep them from running. Luffy then questions Caesar as to what Punk Hazard really is, and Caesar reveals it to be the home of the underworld, where experiments take place, people die, and nobody will know. An emergency broadcast is heard from the D Building that Law is in the manufacture room of the SAD room much to the panic of Caesar and Vergo, with the latter stating it was what Law was after ever since he became a Shichibukai and that whatever he is planning will make a mess of the New World. However the gas is still a danger as those frozen are still inhaling the poison and will still die if not cured in time. [40], Suddenly, Luffy comes through the room and grazes Caesar with a Gomu Gomu no Elephant Gun. 3rd big saga would be Vs Government Saga i suppose. They question Chopper if Mocha will be okay as she still has not woken up, but he confirms that she will be fine.[47]. Baby 5 and Buffalo apologize for their failure in retrieving Caesar Clown, but Doflamingo tells them to relax, as they were doing as he ordered. Exasperated Law agrees to help with the children but they have to take care of the samurai themselves. He tells Luffy that a Yonko was using these Fruits in order to build a mighty army. Punk Hazard for the Pirate Era minecraft one piece server. Luffy once again asks the centaur to join his crew, which he is scolded for by the other members; excluding Robin. [34], In Building B, Chopper in his Monster Point is trying to block the berserk children from the Biscuits Room, telling them that they must not eat the candy. [47] Law claims that their goals coincide, but Luffy shouldn't underestimate them, for even with his plan and their alliance, their chances in defeating Kaido is only about 30%. However, that all that changed when it became the site for the battle between Aokiji and Akainu, which forever changed the climate in the aftermath of their fight of near-mythical proportions. When asked about the dragon Luffy's group encountered, it was revealed it was a creature made by Vegapunk to guard the island which could adapt to any environment. Powered by  - Designed with the Hueman theme. Law then warns Doflamingo, who's been listening the whole time via the Den Den Mushi, that he cannot stay on top forever and that he is going to defeat Vergo, but Doflamingo tells him otherwise recounting an earlier instance where Law mouthed off to Vergo who gave him a beating that apparently traumatized Law. Nami decides to spend hers taking a bath, using a new Shower Tempo as a shower with Chopper (and unknown to her, Sanji and Brook) looking on. Just as they do, a cannon from outside the building fires and hits the wall, letting the gas in. He asks Franky to burn a nearby ship to creating a smokescreen, then reveals that he had swapped the some of the Seastone chains in the laboratory with normal ones, allowing him to break free. Pirate Era Discord View map now! Meanwhile, Sanji, Chopper, Franky, and Nami wake up in a room on the island. Law states that he cannot let them leave the island anymore, and Smoker begins to fight Law. Robin, Zoro, Luffy, and Usopp riding over the sea of flames on Mini Merry 2. Despite the thunderous seas around them, the crew is excited for the new challenges that await them. Caesar mentions he sent soldiers the Marines' way. He tells her he is thinking of departing and needs her ability to help with something, which she accepts. Elsewhere, Smoker and his battalion have finally emerged onto the landmass. Begrudgingly allowing Zoro to pass her as she tells her men they have other concerns at the moment with the building's gate closing. The other children stop upon seeing her condition and unsure what to do now. The attack knocks out Baby 5, however Buffalo and Caesar are still conscious but knocked out of the sky. Saga Dressrosa Arc Punk Hazard L'Arc Dressrosa est le vingt-septième arc dans la série et le second de la Saga Alliance Pirate de One Piece, suivant l'Arc Punk Hazard. Meanwhile, behind the research facility, Sanji goes hysterical over being in Nami's body, and the kids ask the crew if their bodies have been switched. Nami punches Sanji for peeping on her body by changing coats (in truth he had taken it off to dive into the lake to retrieve Kin'emon's upper body). The story flashes back to an hour earlier when they had begun their search when they spotted giant footprints in the ground thinking it belong to a snowman. Though a bit of panic sets in when Brook accidentally drops Kin'emon, thinking he has killed him. The gas released from the explosion killed the plant life and the laboratories' personnel fled, leaving behind the prisoners. But he responds by firing a mobile version of the Gaon Cannon, the General Cannon, at the two. When Luffy questions Law if he would, Law replies no. Zoro cuts Monet in the cheek with Busoshoku Haki, causing her to let go of Tashigi. The crew decides to break out, so Franky uses his Radical Beam to blow the door down. But Luffy hits him full force with his attack, the Gomu Gomu no Grizzly Magnum, knocking Caesar through the wall and down a passageway leading outside. He explains when they were freeing some of the kids, the girl Momonosuke talked with, told the samurai about what happened to him. He then drops the call, leaving Doflamingo enraged. Follow. The lab escapees finally reach outside where Law identifies the Donquixote Pirate members. The following two tabs change content below. [7], Elsewhere, the winged-woman Usopp spotted talks to someone on portable Den Den Mushi about the four intruders as she makes her way over a frozen area. Luffy jumps off the cliff, and before being stabbed by the icicles, Luffy uses Armament Haki to destroy the spikes from it. Chopper informs him that two mysterious figures came and attacked them, and also took Nami in Franky's Body. He gives them two hours and says after that he will do something to the base to make it unsafe. Brownbeard, the Straw Hat Pirates and some of the G-5 soldiers make it through as well as Tashigi. Brownbeard ended up on the island a year after his crew were wiped out and had given up hope when he was found by Caesar and his group. Smoker is then seen talking to Brownbeard and allows him to go into the gas to retrieve his men, though warns that he intends to arrest them. [14], Back in Vegapunk's lab, one of the centaurs is taking the special treatment but all the effects only sicken him further before Caesar kills him outright. [31], As Caesar reels from the punch, Smoker remembers that before Law freed him, he ordered Smoker not to touch Caesar since he still has his heart. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Robin then points out that their bodies were switched causing Luffy to laugh when he realizes who "Tashigi" is. As the remaining group decide what to do next, Chopper does some tests on the kids to find out what was wrong with them. Caesar proves Chopper's theory by stating he gave them candy filled with gasses to get them to come back (to Law's disgust). This attracts the attention of a whale who gives them a ride. Finally in the Biscuit Room, Zoro's group has its hands full trying to stop the berserk children and fighting Monet. [33] One of the men tells her that Momonosuke is somewhere else, in a treatment room and requests her to keep it quiet. Suddenly, Caesar appears, and promises the kids the candy they crave. The Marines continues to insult the pirates, and Nami tells Chopper that Vegapunk is going to help permanently cure the side effects of the poisoned candy. [49], Law mockingly states that this will mean the admirals from Marine Headquarters will then be free to hunt him down like every other pirate. [20], Back with Zoro's group, Brook claims that he read a book about slime being creatures that can melt the clothes off women, much to Sanji and Kin'emon's interests. In the B Block, Vergo is revealed to have also escaped the gas and is now conversing with Doflamingo who is on the island, Dressrosa. Caesar states he has no idea where they are. In the SAD room, Law has sliced up Vergo and hung his pieces along the railing. However the four find themselves surrounded by the slime and trapped. Caesar then reveals that he has Smoker's heart as well before Monet alerts Caesar that the video is ready.[25]. The centaurs prepare to finish the job, but Brook freezes their gun barrels shut, causing their weapons to backfire. orangelightnings. [49], Back to the present, Law tells Smoker that he is planning on heading to Green Bit with the Straw Hat Pirates. As they do, one of the kids, a giant boy, begs the group to take them off the island. [35], While Sanji and Tashigi's group are fleeing from the gas, Zoro's group fought against Monet, and Smoker battled against Vergo all on the B Building. [52], Out on the sea, the crew is taking a breather. [47], As everyone enjoys themselves, a few of Smoker's men tell him that they got the "killer" gases weakness out of Caesar and are going back into the island to rescue their comrades. It is the 3rd stage in the Big Mom Saga of the Nextgen Series. He sees footsteps coming toward him and recognizes the figure, asking what he is doing on the island. Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, and Robin encounter a dragon. Despite Chopper's pleas, she swallows the entire contents. It seemingly starts to speak again, asking them if they are allies with "that Shichibukai". [23], Back at Nami and Usopp's hideout, Caesar has found their hiding spot and goads the kids, who are under the withdraw symptoms, to come with him. As she remembers her friend, Mocha pleads to the berserk children to go back to their normal dispositions. With Luffy's group, Usopp speaks with Brook, who finally awakened after being gassed. Smoker orders the G-5 Marines to rescue the abducted children, look for the "R Building 66" door and that they will seize the tanker at the harbor. Caesar shows concern for the centaur's welfare and offers them a medicine which will heal them.[14]. The Punk Hazard Arc is the twenty-sixth story arc in the series and the first in the Pirate Alliance Saga of the One Piece series, continuing on from the Fishman Island Arc and the Fishman Island Saga. Caesar reveals he has other methods of attack such as a flaming sword. Shinokuni, which he fell into be taking a shower with Robin much to samurai! Speak, likewise asks who he is to fall on the Burning island stop the from! And begins to flood the room 's entrance but know it will not let anyone escape scientist in the is. 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