std code: phone no. Buses from Secunderabad to Koti Buses from Secunderabad to Koti and Koti to Secunderabad 1B -- Jubillee Bus Stand, Secunderabad , MSRD, RTC'X'RD, Chikkadpally, YMCA, Koti , CBS, Afzal Gunj, Charminar Bus frequency information is also provided. name of the bus station . We have sorted them by bus number, place of origin and destination. Total route length is of 16km. Looking for a full list of bus routes in Hyderabad city? Below is the list of all APSRTC city bus routes. The buses are operated by TSRTC. Bus Starting Stage: Kondapur Bus Stop While there is no consistent numbering scheme for Egged… Buses from Koti to Kondapur will be available for every 30 mins. Koti Bus Stop to Medchal 2 1V/229 Ngos Colony Bus Stop to Medchal 3 1/229 Medchal to Afzalgunj Bus Stop 4 5/229 Medchal to Mehdipatnam Bus Stop 5 7K/229 Medchal to Mgbs Bus Stop 6 8/229 Medchal to Nampally 7 8C/229 127k bus route timings, Bus route number 127k runs between Kondapur bus stop and Koti bus stop. Additional Los Angeles Metro bus drivers have come forward, saying they too have been ordered to work six-day weeks to cover for hundreds out sick with COVID-19. 127K Bus Route Timings. You have landed on the right page. Bus Pass Location: Details : A.G.COLLEGE: AG College Building: ABIDS: Besides Chermas which is near Abids Bus Stop towards Koti: AFZALGUNJ: I st Floor, Afzal gunj Bus Station Complex mobile numbers: enquiry : 040: 24614406, 24614408 : 99592 26257 : asst. koti: 100a, 100g, 100k, 100l, 100m, 100r: lk pool: 9b, 9c, 9d, 9f: l.houz: 66g, 66p, 119: lab quarts: 102r,105m: mp : 63k, 63m, 65a , 65d, 65g, 65m, 11b, 119, 120m TSRTC online booking Telangana State Road Transport Corporation(TSRTC), TSRTC BusPassInformation,booking,Timings,Routes,Enquiry. The Egged Bus Company is the largest bus company in Israel, and one of the largest in the world.It operates over 400 bus lines, including internal city lines in many of Israel's cities (in others, the Dan Bus Company, Kavim, Superbus, etc. operate the internal lines), as well as most of Israel's inter-city lines.Below is a list. We have also included the major intermediate stops of all the bus routes. Here is a list of Bus Numbers and their starting and destination points within the city of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. Bus frequency information is also provided. Bus Route Number: 127k. Hope this list helps you plan your CBS (Central Bus Station) Before MGBS constructed It was the Hyderabad City's Central Bus Station, now its a City Bus Station/Stop. List of all Bus Routes/Numbers in Hyderabad Secunderabad with information about when buses start in the route and when is the last bus in a given route. List of all Bus Routes/Numbers in Hyderabad Secunderabad with information about when buses start in the route and when is the last bus in a given route.