They rarely, however, tackle the problem in full. Important Announcement 18 December, 2020 at 8:58 AM My sister works at Supercuts. A graduate gets ready to pose for a picture at the empty campus of San Diego State University, after the California State University system announced the fall 2020 semester will be online… Everyone in the world have adjusted to strict health guidelines, except maybe those in some parts of the US. They also create links to people/institutions outside the university/in the surrounding community and co-create and co-teach classes. Really Albert? Masks and plexiglass barriers reduce risks of exposure to a viral load great enough to cause an infection effectively; especially when these measures are combined with increased social distancing. By the way, the idea that anyone who can do their work well remotely can be “permanently eliminated” to offset lost revenue is an astonishing sentiment in today’s economy. That is how it works for me. My son does. I wonder what the author, and those who disagree with the BU plan, say about recent protests. There are other reasons as to why schools must open: ICE recent rule which could seriously put international students in a tremendously dangerous situation. IF ASKING FACULTY TO RETURN TO SCHOOL IS UNETHICAL, SO IS CRATING A SITUATION WHICH RESULTS IN DEPORTING INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS TO THEIR SERIOUSLY-AFFECTED-BY-COVID-19 COUNTRIES! So, all in all, if false positive are enough to disturb the learning experience, then the positive cases should already be very high and will contribute more to the negative learning experience. These are not easy jobs. While yes it is a privilege to learn and discover, it requires a lot of grit and bravery to collect the kind of data that PhD students at this university obtain. He is extremely anxious about others complying because already they are posting how they will NOT. They are at risk of being laid-off, so they put their heads down and suck it up and come to work. But fight for the truly vulnerable, it is no great thing for people of privilege to fight for more privileges. OK, you are smart, we may you $30/hr. Listen to your concerned staff with families and elders. I am careful. If they return to their country, they will be in danger. It is certainly true that learning (and teaching) behind a computer screen is not ideal. July 9, 2020. — UMass students who will attend college remotely come fall will not be granted on-campus housing, the university chancellor announced Thursday. The on-campus experience is going to be radically different, likely stressful for both students and faculty. BU is not doing all it can to keep its community safe. First, I, and many other rational people, doubt that protests (large gathering of people without social distancing and masks, like the picture you shared with us [thank you]) has nothing to do with spike in corona cases. When the wars were over, these companies were able to rebound strongly when others collapsed. 82. It consists of Students and professors! In my experience, I spend 3hrs a week teaching a class, 3hrs a week preparing the class, 3hrs or more (depending on class size) grading per week, 3hrs a week (or more again, depending on class size) doing administrative tasks and answering students emails- that’s 12 hours of a work week. PhD students are paid, tops, $35,000/year (and that’s only in STEM fields; humanists make closer to $25,000), and the “free education” you mention is not and thus should not be considered part of our income for the year, as we never see a dime of it. I heard that frat parties from other schools will go on as usual, which clearly is not ideal. ), This scenario is not merely hypothetical. Go to campus right now, and you will find plenty of buildings with people working with no masks on. Though I appreciate BU’s recent commitment to fighting this policy, it should not be used as justification for campus reopening initiatives. People getting paid a salary which would be the envy of literally billions of people to get a free world class education, while being protected by a system of testing and contact tracing, that is better than most frontline workers have , are going to battle for more privileges. Some Deans don’t like people working from home (which I’m sure is easy for them to say from behind the closed door of their personal office and not from the windowless cubefarm everyone else has to work in) and would rather endanger these workers and everyone else on campus by increasing the number of people having to commute to campus every day so that people can be in poorly ventilated buildings, risking their lives needlessly. I feel like we will probably be putting others like custodial staff MORE at risk by doing this, as well as all the other folks we will encounter on public transport. BU might want to think about doing what the states of NY, NJ and CT are doing which is to mandate 14 day quarantine for anyone traveling from states/locations with infection rates > 10% or >10/10,000 residents. Without a visa, we risk deportation. After careful deliberation and informed by extensive input from our community, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences announced plans to bring up to 40% of our undergraduates to campus, including all first-year students, for the fall semester.Assuming that we maintain 40% density in the spring semester, we would again bring back one class, and our priority at this … Getty. If a student gets sick then what? Your work as a teaching fellow or researcher is also presumably doing what you love, if not a phd was a bad choice. Additionally many students live in abusive households, struggle with mental health, and have learning disabilities which make online learning impossible. Clearly this is a very difficult issue, and I thank Emily for putting into writing the concerns that many of us share! Boston University is allowing students to decide whether to take in-person or remote classes. The next month or two will tell whether COVID-19 is dying off (as the falling death rates suggest) or continuing to propagate (as the increasing infection rates suggest). Because we don’t have a contract, the university can decide how much they will pay us or whether they can employ us at any time. False positives are highly unlikely. If they bring everyone back like that there is going to be a huge outbreak. If classes are fully online, interactions will be far more natural without the barriers of physical distancing and masks and atmosphere of fear. I like the article very much. Replies to: BOSTON UNIVERSITY TRANSFER FALL 2020 #321. daynamarie101 62 replies 0 threads Junior Member. Yes I’m scared of Covid, but I’m also scared for the people that depend on me to teach classes for thier jobs as well. This situation could happen at any moment. I think the hybrid mode is the best solution. Boston University is an open campus where literally anyone can come in and I see there might not be any point if we cannot control people who are not BU students/faculty/staff to enter places like Geroge-Sherman Union, Mugar, etc. No mention is made of the job market that those employees would be cast into (e.g., United airlines is on the verge of cutting 36,000 from its workforce). Remind me how many hours a week you actually teach? Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English. “Life matters more than a visa” well a visa to study here is our path to a better life — we escaped adversity in our home nations and came here for an education. BU is allowing students to choose whether or no to return to campus, as they should for all professors, and PhD students. It is criminal to pay ‘brick and mortar’ fees when we are online. We are the ones who say hello to them when they come to our offices to clean them at 8 PM and we are the only ones still there. Getty. Like Chua, they make a number of excellent and well-reasoned points, and quickly assume the moral high ground. However, opening the campus involves welcoming students from all 50 states, and from over 100 countries. The university plans … All other industries are adjusting to this new reality. During COVID times, most professionals are being allowed to work from home. It saddens me that essential workers in our community feel so alienated from university instructors. (1) The funding model for PhD students at BU means they don’t get to decide when they do TFships or RFships: they have to do them as part of the deal for receiving their living stipend. The media has scared us all into thinking this is the apocalypse- its clearly a serious health situation, but hyperfocusing on this virus without considering the effects of doing so- mental health conditions, economic stress and impact on health, loneliness, lack of treatment for other health conditions- is as potentially more dangerous and unethical than opening up a college campus with safety precautions. Boston University has announced that students will be back on campus for the fall semester, but with restrictions. 617.353.3386 @bu_tanglewood @BUTanglewoodInstitute Boston University Tanglewood Institute Photography courtesy Stratton McCrady, John Ferrillo, and Steve Rosenthal. With good support, faculty could be encouraged to used the best practices for online teaching, and I completely agree, this would be much more effective than in-person, distanced & masked learning. Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. You’ll get what you came for either way, that is privilege. But again, we cannot forget that we are in the midst of a once-in-a-century pandemic—no part of living is ideal during this time. Is it mandatory for all faculty members to show solidarity with all students showing up for in-person classes? BU is proposing to create “family living groups” for 18,000 18-22 year-olds living in shared rooms and surviving on takeout while “maintaining social distancing”. How I would love to have your job!!! Boston University appears to be the first American college or university to announce that it … You will be redirected to the University of Massachusetts' Registration Shopping Cart when you click on a link below. PhD at BU cannot simply walk away from their TFships if they’re not happy with their working conditions. Fact: Lives … Fall 2020 Update No one wants to be the person left out. It looks like when you graduate from your PhD, with this mindset, it is better you remain in academia rather than venture into the corporate world where competition determines the survival of the fittest. We live with several roommates, we have student loans, we skip out on doctor’s visits because we are afraid of how much they will cost. Testing may help substantially, but false positives and more importantly, false negatives, are going to happen, and I do not see any amount of testing making the campus ‘absolutely’ safe. If this approach is adopted by BU, professors and teaching assistants in each department can decide who will go to campus to deliver the lectures and provide consultation, and who will take on the role to set and grade the exams. Because there are too many others who didn’t get that break. April 14. 15k. So I wrote a narrative to help parents and students understand the reality. Take the challenge and learn! We fight for social justice across the board whenever we fight for our rights as an individual group. Note that this is not a question about the relative merits of well-designed online instruction (i.e., NOT the emergency transition that happened this Spring) vs in person instruction. I’m immunocompromised myself and don’t want this at all, but I want my degree too. The new normal post Covid-19 demands the integration of online and offline. When those outside of academia complain about the ivory tower this is the kind of thing they mean. It has been shown in various countries in the world that testing and contact tracing are key to manage the Covid-19 situation. Confirm your course dates below and on the Student Link. It is time the for administration to take the health of the community into consideration and listen to the experts. If all the students in that class come back to campus, that means that each student will only be able to come to class in person less than once every two weeks as the class meets twice a week. Welcome to Questrom School of Business! Thank you for this article, and shame on BU for not listening to the workers who keep the university functioning. Worst case, you and loved ones will be dead. This may be shocking to all in the BU community as the notion of playing third fiddle to Harvard and MIT has been seared into the mindset of everyone in the BU community. Location has also played a role. BU changed to hybrid and many students from the States will choose to stay home elsewhere to study (international students at the moment mostly have no choice as we are being ‘threatened’ by the US ICE to return to campus). Online instruction has many benefits—and ironically, may provide more of a residential experience than the LfA approach. Students can still receive first rate education for the coming academic year and still (with a little luck and God-willing a vaccine) enjoy three years of the fully residential in-person education that’s so formative and rewarding. It would appear that only those who teach in the humanities can get away with arguing that they should be allowed to work from home indefinitely while the rest of the world returns to work. This is not about the President of the United States, Donald Trump. How many times has your Zoom meeting been interrupted by someone forgetting they aren’t muted when a crisis goes down in their household? Flatten the fear and raise the rationality. For example, one study examined how a COVID-19 outbreak occurred in an air-conditioned restaurant in January 2020. So we’re left with the same problem, with perhaps only a smaller sample – 50% of the population may remain at risk. I would hope so. Therefore, false positives are likely not to be a major concern. Keeping as many people as possible off campus has been partly an effort to keep our campus workers safe. Second, let’s give you the benefit of the doubt: let’s assume protests did not cause spike in COVID-19. A lot of the students’ knee-jerk reaction to bad online learning was because of the rapid, unsupported transition to online learning last spring. We live in a country where the Covid-19 situation is much better controlled compared to the US. If Boston become COVID-19 epic center again, who will take care students in the campus. international students or those who can’t live at home for other reasons, students with financial need), and at the very least it should be up to the individual instructor whether they want to teach online. When I mentioned this in a BU Mom forum, I was personally attacked and told “ I am not paying 40,000 tuition for my kid to learn online. Maybe they need to focus on the international students for now so they can be on campus that they don’t have to leave the US. I’m sorry this is happening. Together with students, we wrote a personal diary of a student on campus under the university’s strict guidelines and format. I take my hat off to the leadership at BU and am proud that my son has been accepted into BU and will be attending BU in Fall. Elinor Aspegren and Samuel Zwickel. Students may not be in the age group most likely to die from the virus, but new data is emerging about the potential for long-term continuing health consequences after even mild cases of the virus (respiratory, pulmonary, neurological). The higher number cited in this article includes a broader swath of tests being performed right now. Go join Harvard and MIT. Let’s also not forget about false-negatives—or the cases the test misses. Registration for Fall 2020 is closed. This, despite business / management / leadership professors teaching about the benefits of teamwork. The life of the mind is a gift; and for that we are grateful. The oceanfront campus is minutes from downtown Boston and nationally recognized as a student-centered urban public research university. I paid for my doctorate as many are doing right now. What is BU doing for students so they can be safe? Yes, it is definitely a privilege to get to spend five years of your life learning and bettering yourself. So there will be no issue living in “Corona College”. You will be redirected to the University of Massachusetts' Registration Shopping Cart when you click on a link below. Boston University is planning both in-person and remote coursework for the fall semester, according to their website. Long story short, online learning is a farcical impersonation of what an authentic college and classroom experience should be. More than bankers. So who gets fired so you don’t have to do lfa if there is less revenue from tuition? There is always a middle way. If the nation’s grocery store workers, doctors, and nurses can find a way to safely meet societies needs so can those of us who teach the next generation. Happy. As an international student I agree with you. We are being called on to think outside the box of our fears and habitual ways of doing things. POV: BU Should Go Fully Online This Fall. Staff, students, and faculty whose work requires them to be physically present, like those at the School of Dental Medicine, will be safer as well if others are not forced to return to in person classrooms unnecessarily. (As the writer of this article suggests, the traditional classroom–an enclosed space where people sit breathing and talking for extended periods of time– is a very problematic place post-Covid, and some of these classrooms are not workable at all, even with distancing and masks.). Consider the age of most students. I was in college once and hung out with enough PHD students to know the sweet deal you get-remind everyone about the tuition windfall you get. Compelling case. BU has bent over backwards to give students as many options as possible, but it is not doing the same for Faculty. They have to manage all sorts of risks in their field sites. Rather, you just supported my arguments. And if we put our students back out there too soon it’s going to be making it worse. We know that BU doesn’t have an endowment the size of Harvard’s but it does have a considerable endowment as well as any number of budgetary fatted cows that could be trimmed down without layoffs or furloughs. The Chinese word for “crisis” puts together the words “risk” and “opportunity”. If some of my students choose to remain at home and learn remotely, they will of course be online and the students who do come to campus will be able to come in person slightly more often. They are switching and transferring room assignments based on this as they can’t imagine not having guests. To say that I am concerned about this would be a masterly understatement !!! What is that, another $50K, maybe more, not even counting junkets to fancy hotels for ‘research’ and conferences. Professors and graduate students are probably the MOST privileged and spoilt people I know. Academic work is important, but we are able to do this because we are alive and healthy. Also, if professors get COVID-19 and who will be the teacher for the remaining students. But I hope members of BU who decide to go back to the school stay safe and well and be sensible as I will not want to see campus close again just like back in March. The common critiques of arguments like the one in this piece–that they are narrow, selfish, economically naive, grounded only in privilege, or not “real-world”-based–all ignore the most real-world issue of our moment: public health and our responsibility to protect it. As well as the students who has mandatory in person classes like Labs etc. In my Department, classes last 2 hours and 45 minutes… In full ‘protective’ mode…, I am far from convinced that this is effective teaching… And – I am over 65 years old, so I am in the CDC ‘high risk’ category…. Telling them they can stay home and learn online is no choice when many are returning. Updated May 22, 2020; Posted May 22, 2020 In this Wednesday, May 20, 2020 photo a passer-by skates past an entrance to the Tsai Performance Center on the campus of Boston University, in Boston. ... the university said it plans to have a combination of remote and in-person courses in fall 2020. The oceanfront campus is minutes from downtown Boston and nationally recognized as a student-centered urban public research university. I hope BU members will be more sensible than them when returned to campus. Boston University will give its more than 18,000 undergraduate students the choice of in-person and online classes when it reopens the campus this fall. How is this all going to be handled. If there is any difference how BU is planning to fill-up the gap? It is all over the Globe, etc. In addition to thinking about the low-wage workers at the university, I urge you to consider what would happen to workers Boston-wide if this virus was spread from the university. More than corporate heads. We were in lockdown for almost two months and then those protests engendered all we have accomplished! Do we want to cause another situation that leads to another lockdown and lost wages for all of these workers? At the same time, safety of employees must be of utmost importance. Yet I am comfortable to send my son to BU half the world away from home after reading in detail the safety measures BU will put in place. We want SAFTY! In the corporate world, management will tell employees who are unhappy and prefer the “greener pastures” over at the competitors to go ahead, quit and join the competitors. However, those who want to stay home have more than their own interest in mind. And yes, our jobs are also at risk. We we will all be commuting in (on public transportation) and many of us will be bringing our children in with us, as well, because schools will be in session no more than 2 days a week. There has been very interesting comments in the article and subsequent comments. Or maybe this applies to universities as well… welcome to the real world. If you believe this, then you must protect them. Boston University leaves coronavirus-prompted Fall 2020 postponement option open BU reportedly not only college or university preparing for possible Jan. 2021 return More than tech companies. Inside gatherings—even with masks and hand sanitizing stations galore—are a real concern due to poor ventilation. ARE YOU SERIOUSLY ARGUING AGAINST OPENING BU AND PUT INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IN DANGER? Specially, when politics is involved: for instance, look at this article that says “NYC’s contact tracers have been told not to ask people if they’ve attended a protest” ( I, for one, will be gearing up in PPE and keeping my distance. I’ll close by saying that many of the faculty wanting to go online are in a very precarious situation simply because they are far less likely to receive unemployment benefits given the structure of unemployment law and how many institutions of higher-education historically challenge applications for unemployment by non-TT or Tenured or graduate student instructors–hardly the “luxurious vantage point for dissent” enjoyed by those with tenure. To suggest that going online will in fact be a more positive experience doesn’t take into account that if the university was to go fully online, the majority of students will take leaves of absences. No one wants to university to close, but the vast majority of classes can be done equally well online. Some sort of a package to sustain people should be forthcoming from our government. Just because people have a PhD doesn’t mean they are privileged!!!!! He needs to stay awake from 10pm till 8am to attend the classes. Teachers will best serve the students by preparing the best online version of their course. The president of Northeastern University says the school intends to open for on-campus classes this fall, with a gradual, phased reopening of its Boston campus potentially starting later this month. Also, many PhD students engage in decidedly NOT CUSHY fieldwork during their careers. The professor, whether they are in person or online, is doing their best to give you an education. Interestingly, the teaching faculty are some of the most vocal critics within the Online-or-Bust community, yet they will be spending only 3-6 (in some cases 9) contacts hours each week in the classroom while other essential employees, like our custodial staff, have been rolling up their sleeves and commuting in to work 40 hours/week since the crisis began in March. As of this morning, COVID is on the rise in 36 states, including Massachusetts. Chua’s excellent point about disease transmission to the wider Boston community is also relevant here; campus reopening is likely to make us poor neighbors. You come in and I fill your bag. Boston University Online MBA Fall 2020 has 327 members. Students can select an … Harvard University is charging full tuition, about $50,000 per year, even though all undergraduate classes will be online this fall. That compensation is akin to a $120k a year job. The School will be seeing patients with emergent, urgent and elective conditions, although it will be prioritizing those patients with the most urgent needs. Sick and tired of people misrepresenting online learning as a sufficient alternative. Virtually no faculty member, including the writer of this article, is arguing that online learning is a sufficient alternative to what until this past spring was the normal classroom and campus experience. Some students who are accepted to Harvard, MIT and BU may actually choose BU this Fall. Individuals are suffering terribly. I study at night for “my own” sometimes even research papers, do not expect to be paid for that. Dorm life guidelines are… A large basis for reopening campus rests on pedagogical arguments: Many BU students feel that online learning is inferior. I totally agree with you. College students threatened to revolt if universities put another semester of classes online to avoid spreading the coronavirus – but that's increasingly what … Air quality and lingering small particles are a big concern, especially in classrooms with poor ventilation. Published Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:09AM EDT Some Canadian universities say classes this fall will be offered primarily online as uncertainty over the COVID-19 pandemic continues. “If this approach is adopted by BU, professors and teaching assistants in each department can decide who will go to campus to deliver the lectures and provide consultation, and who will take on the role to set and grade the exams. Emily Chua (GRS’22) Which company or which country have in place a plan and the capability to test all of the people in its community on a regular basis? This group is for students who have been admitted to the Boston University Questrom School of Business Online MBA Program for the Fall 2020 entry term. The fall risks in their field sites choice when many are doing right now, but vast! After shutting its doors abruptly when the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, Boston University even as case increase! 3 ) is option of both online and in-person courses for undergraduates when campus reopens this fall COVID-19. An authentic college and classroom experience should be arch on the rise in 36 states, those... And still needs to understand how PhD students are officially expected to supply them or make the module. So upset that BU is not the entire sample to people/institutions outside the box our! Or home undergrads who pay tuition don ’ t even sick would sent... 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